Executive Engagement - Page 321

That’s not what I asked her but she continues. “I’m moving out. You don’t have to see me. I think you treated Jake like a real bitch and I don’t want to be around you as you finish him off, Alicia.”

I look at the phone. Is this the same Jenna that was sleeping with my boyfriend? While I was in the apartment? What is going on? Since when did I move to Bizarro world, where Derrick is saving people and I’m becoming a social pariah?

“What did he tell you?” I ask, and Jenna sighs again in irritation.

“You know, it's not even worth it Alicia. He told me all about how you…” Jenna begins but I cut her off.

Because I’ve just walked into my room.

The window is broken. My laptop is broken and tossed on the ground. My posters are ripped from the wall. My desk chair is broken into three pieces. My mirror on my vanity is cracked – like someone took a baseball bat to it.

I hang up, not even thinking what I’m doing. I’m crying, and shaking all at once.

Someone’s wrote in black spray paint, “SLUT” across my wall.

“Oh my God,” I say to myself and I run out. Someone's been here and they came to trash my room. Why would anyone do something like that?

I call Jenna again, but it doesn’t even ring. She puts me straight to voicemail.

I’m so scared I grab my purse and run out of the apartment. So violated. So afraid.

There’s nowhere for me to go. No one for me to call.

I don’t know why I do it, but I dial his number.

He picks up on the first ring.

“Derrick,” I say with a broken voice, trembling despite the warmth of the day.

I don’t need to say any more. “Give me ten minutes,” he says. “Fuck. Give me five minutes.”

He stays on the phone not saying anything but not hanging up and literally 7 minutes later a black stretch Bentley peals around the corner and brakes hard outside my building.

Derrick bounds out and grabs me in his arms.

I sink my face in, and feel his strong arms around me, and for the first time since I get home, I start to feel a little safe.

“Someone broke into my apartment,” I say, my voice muffled into his chest. “They trashed my room.”

Derrick motions to someone and from the background I notice that he has nondescript bodyguards dressed as civilians. The man nods and opens the door to my building.

Derrick looks at me, “What apartment, love?” he asks.

“4F,” I reply weakly, not wanting him to let go. Derrick conveys this to the man standing at the entrance to my building and the man rushes upstairs. Derrick continues holding onto me.

“Sam’ll go upstairs and get whatever he can carry and bring it back to my place, okay?” Derrick asks, disengaging himself slightly to be able to look me in the eyes. “You’re coming over and staying with me until we get this whole thing sorted as well. Okay?”

He’s commanding, and takes control of the situation. But that’s exactly what I need right now. I look into his eyes and nod.

He holds onto me as he helps me into the car and the Bentley takes off.

He never let’s go the whole time.


Fuck me, I’m going to go mental if I don't fuck that beautiful body of Daphne’s soon. It’s only been one fucking morning and already my cock is twitching like it’s got a mind of its fucking own. It knows what it fucking wants and it's getting pissed as all hell at my brain for denying it.

That’s exactly all I’m thinking about right now as the Bentley’s driving me to One57. I’m still fucking wet from jumping into the water. But I’m not even thinking about that. Why wouldn’t I jump in? You’re thinking I’m trying to be a hero for Alicia or something, right? Well, listen, mate, I’m no fucking hero. I know you might be shaking your head, especially if you’re the skeptical type, but you need to believe me when I fucking tell you that I wasn’t doing anything on that boat for Daphne. I was just trying to get through the morning without popping my massive fucking cock in front of her.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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