Executive Engagement - Page 327

The instructions said my nipple should be hard before using the clamp, and luckily my headlights are on brightly, standing up like they’re waiting for the show to begin. I glance down as the nerves begin to build in my stomach. I’m afraid to do this, afraid of what it will do and how it will feel. That’s kind of the point of doing it with someone else, right? So you don’t have to go through this alone? But its better if I learn to please myself first, a girl in college told me that. It’s strange that I remember it now.

Okay, quit stalling. Are we doing this or what? Fuck it, let’s do it. I open one clamp and hover it above my aroused nipple, my fingers trembling with anticipation.

“Ahhh!!!” I yell before breaking into a giggling fit. Yikes! It hurt a lot more than my bottom lip, but I guess I’m more sensitive there. Opening the other clip, I clamp down on my other nipple, my reaction a bit less dramatic this time after knowing what to expect. Before I can fully register the pain it fades completely, almost as if they’re not even there. Strange.

Now for the real toy. I look at the small bullet. It looks like an elongated metal marble. The surface is so smooth and shiny, metallic even. I’ve seen the price on the box, but even without that I would’ve been able to tell it was expensive. The instructions list wetting it in your mouth, first, and although I know I’m already well lubricated down there, I follow the steps.

The metal feels silky smooth against my tongue. My thighs press together as my belly fill with butterflies. I feel like I’m at the top of a rollercoaster about to free fall as I move the bullet down my body, between my breasts and over my navel. My legs spread just enough for me to reach my hand in and slide the bullet inside my slippery sex.

“Wow!” A shocked whisper escapes me as the cool metal slides about. My muscles clench around the foreign object and a strange feeling begins to build in my stomach. My hips begin to wind seductively as I find ways to move the bullet inside me, my hands inadvertently returning to my breasts.

I’ve completely forgotten about the clamps, but the instant I touch them the shock of the strangely enjoyable pain is reignited. A soft moan escapes me, my body feels electric. Every accidental brush against my skin takes my breath away in a way it never has before.

My body is rocking side to side, desperate to feel that strange sensation the bullet causes at certain points within me. It’s like playing memory trying to remember how to get back to the sweet spot that makes my insides quiver a bit.

Taking a deep breath, I run my fingernails up and down my soft skin, the sensation sending chills down my spine, my back arching in delight. Wow, this is really good. I try that a few more times, each feeling more intense than the last.

On the last run up and down my body, my fingers slide between my legs and I find myself tracing – down here. I’ve been wet before, but never like this. I’m breathing hard like I’ve just finished a workout, waves of anxious excitement building in my belly. My finger rubs against my clit and I loudly moan involuntarily. Everything is so fucking sensitive!

But boy did that feel good. I can’t help but do it again, wondering if it will have the same effect. This time I press down on my clit and my stomach drops like I’m free falling for a split second before I quickly remove my hand.

Moving back to my breasts, I massage the clips, my nipples clamped beneath in a prison of painful pleasure. Kneading my breasts like bread, my hips sway as my ass pokes into the bed, my back arching further. Moans are falling off my lips every few seconds, and my legs are squeezed together to create a little friction for my attention starved clit.

I wish I could tease myself there and with the nipples clamps at the same time, but I’ve only got two hands. I wonder if Derrick would want to see me do this. Is that why he’s gifted them to me? It’s such a strange present to give someone, but then again, what isn’t strange about Derrick? He’s always been weird, and I couldn’t really expect much more from him given his situation.

Okay, got off topic there. Definitely don’t want to be thinking about Derrick, and not in that way for sure. I know he’s not this good guy he’s appearing to be, he probably has cameras set up in here to watch me use these. The thought turns me on. I feel like Misty again, performing for a man I can’t even see, doing something I’ve never done.

Revving it up a notch, I imagine a camera being right above my bed, and I move my body like Derrick is able to see me, probably gripping that enormous cock just watching me squirm beneath him. God, he’s so fucking hot. I don’t care that I shouldn’t be thinking about him. I need a visual, and let’s be honest, e’s the best option. It’s nothing more than that.

I move my fingers between my legs again, grazing my clit, which is all it needs to shock my body with a sharp jolt of electricity. My left hand moves back to my nipple and the right continues on the clit, my chest heaving as my breathing grows erratic. My hands begin moving so quickly I’m not even sure I’m in control anymore, it’s too much work. My hip shifts over and my touches something cold. Instinctually, my hand reaches to grab it and I’m completely shocked when I see what it is.

The remote control! Of course! My nerves build all over again as the pad of my thumb hovers above the button labeled ‘play’. From there I can switch the speed up three levels, but I’m thankful it will start slowly. After a long hesitation, I press the dam button.

Oooh, this is nice. It’s not exactly vibrating inside of me, it’s more like a swirling motion, and it feels invigorating. The clamps even do this gentle squeezing and I like it, there’s no pain involved at all. My hips brush against the bed and I moan so loudly I swear I can hear it echo in this empty, larger than life apartment.

Just as I’m anticipating the next movement of the toys, I decide to take it up a notch, moving the speed up a level. Oh, I’ve forgotten that Derrick could be watching me. Gazing up into the white ceiling, I twist my body seductively, which is quite easy since the toys are making my body go wild from the inside out. The bullet is now twirling faster, before letting off two short vibrations. It feels a little more aggressive than the previous setting, but not too much for me to handle. The clamps, however, take my breath away with each clamp. Gone is the gentle squeeze. Now they pinch the nipples and hold for three seconds before releasing.

The release is actually the most painful part, and that reminds me the instructions said to take the clamps off at the height of the climax. How the hell will I know when that is?

Derrick probably uses these types of toys with all of his women. He wants to warm me up. His face pops into my mind so vividly with those boyish dimples and that hard jawline. God, he’s sexy. Knowing he thinks he was in love with me is a real mind fuck, and laying in his bed now, my body wants him. Oh God, I want him.

Fuck this, I’m going for the third level, but I know it might be too much for me. I’ve never even had an orgasm. Do I really want it to be this way? I don’t even have time to decide, because regardless of what my mind wants, my body is desperate for more. I push the button without thinking and instantly know it was the right decision.

The bullet is moving rapidly inside me, sliding forwards and backwards while vibrating. My knees slam together, my clit craving friction. The clamps are squeezing my nipples and vibrating, the sensation making my breath catch.

“Ohhh!” I call out in pleasure, my body flipping onto my belly, my senses in overload.

My head falls on a pillow and it smells of Derrick, maybe the laundry detergent or something. Either way, he’s back in my head, and now this pillow is him. I shove it down my belly so that it’s right at my pelvis, and thrust forward, rubbing my sensitive clit against the luxury fabric.

“Fuck!” I moan. I didn’t expect it to feel this good. The waves inside me are build

ing fast and my body is flailing on the bed, humping this pillow for dear life.

“Derrick!” I moan quietly and gasp once I realize what I’ve said. Oh fuck it! It’s just part of the scene. I’m auditioning, remember.

Thrusting forward, dragging my clit against the pillow, the butterflies in my stomach grow and flutter and my body feels on edge. My hand grasps a fistful of the sheet as I pull myself into the bed, my nipples screaming under the clamps as my body races onwards in preparation for an explosion.

“Ungh! Derrick!” I moan again, this time loudly, wanting him. Gazing over my shoulder, I pretend he’s watching me from that pretend camera, and tighten my ass in every thrust of the pillow I wish was him.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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