Executive Engagement - Page 332

Jake is a fucking moron because he gets back up and sneers at me. “That the best you got?” he asks.

He takes too long sneering and I bring my fist to his fucking nose.

All of a sudden, there's blood everywhere as I kick him in the gut and he bowls over. I bring my knee and it connects with his skull. The man is about to collapse to the floor but I hold him up.

I don't know what kind of game he was trying to pull here but it's not funny. He never gets a chance to do anything as I punch him in his face, right in the eyes, and he falls over on his back. That punch is so hard it makes me wince too. I hear the satisfying crunch that tells me I've done some damage. The man collapses to the ground and doesn't get up. So I do the only thing someone would do in this situation.

I pick him up and hold him by the throat. I punch him again and he really goes limp in my arms. I think he’s completely unconscious. I knee him one last time and that's when I hear Sam’s sirens. I let him drop to the ground as Sam and two other security guy

s come over. They look over the body.

Sam looks at me and I nod.

"Why'd you bother calling us, Sire?" he asks.

But I don't answer. I let his men place the three of them in restraints. They'll contact the local police - tell them about the trespassing and assault charges I intend to press.

I look at Daphne. She's staring at me wide-eyed.

"You forgot your panic button," I say and hold it up. Then I go over to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

She's trembling. I hold her close to me and try to reassure her, “It’s okay."

She looks up at me.

"Derrick," she says, her voice scared. "Can you take me home?"

"Sure, love," I tell her. "Let's go."

She’s talking about my place. She’s calling it home.

I get on my bike and motion for her to do the same.

At first, she's a little unsure, but I give her my hand and she takes it, getting on.

Fuck, she's going to need a helmet. I take my helmet off and hand it to her.

"What about you?" she asks, her voice small.

I'll chance going without a helmet for her.

"I don't need a fucking helmet," I tell her. "I'm the fucking Prince."

She's quiet.

"Now, grab onto me," I instruct her.

She reaches around and grabs my body. Her tiny hands hold onto my abs, as if she's holding on for dear life.

Fuck me, her body is pressed up against me.

I'm in fucking heaven. That's not just the fucking adrenaline talking, mate. I feel like I'm fucking on top of the world, going down the road towards the house on my motorcycle as Daphne is holding on behind me, pressing her hot little body up against me. I am so fucking hard right now, it's impossible.

I need to get a hold of myself. I can't fucking keep thinking like this.

She's supposed to be my ticket to stay in the fucking country. Not another heart I fucking break.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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