Executive Engagement - Page 421

They swung the rope around me again, and this time, I fell into their rhythm. They swung, and I jumped, time after time, until my calves ached. I smiled as a thin film of sweat gathered on my forehead. It felt good to finally master the jumps. And then I heard a deep voice that made my heart stop.

"What are you, a faggot?" my dad asked towering over me. "No son of mine is going to sit here like a little girl playing with girls' toys. Get over here and help me with the farm work."

Dad used to work for Colt’s dad. And the abuse he took on a daily basis as a ranch hand came right back down to us.

Down to me. I remember thinking how it was Colt’s fault that I couldn’t jump rope.

I remembered the deep embarrassment of the moment flooding my face as I walked away from those girls. I couldn't bear to look them in the face. But then I’m catapulted back into the present, feeling the weight of my football helmet's facemask laced between my fingers, sweat beading down my back. I need to stay focused. I'm Ethan Blake, the best defensive end in the league. The most important thing right now is winning a spot on New York Nailers, isn't it? I ask myself. It’s important for me to keep that in perspective. I need to get ahold of myself. My career is everything.

I look over my shoulder and see Colt warming up. He‘s stretching his right arm and repeatedly throwing footballs to a wide receiver. I watch as his arm and leg muscles tens. Every pass spirals tightly down the field and looks perfect, landing softly into the arms of his open receiver. There is no doubt that he was a gifted football player. He always has been. It's his too-big-for-his-own-good ego that drives me crazy, and not in a good way. Colt suddenly feels my gaze on him, and he looks back at me. He motions for the receiver to wait a moment, and he begins to walk in my direction, but I look away and jog off to the other end of the field. Hell no. There is no way that I can talk to him right now, and he must have got the hint because he doesn’t try to approach me.

"Hey there, stranger," comes a voice.

I turned around to see where the voice was coming from and I nearly bump into Julianna standing directly behind me, her blonde hair twisting gently in the afternoon breeze. Holy hell. The other person I wasn't ready to face today. Don't get me wrong, she looks good—almost too good. She’s wearing a tight white tank top that makes her tits nearly spill out of the top, and a pair of shorts that might as well have not even been there. I feel my cock twitch and I have an overwhelming urge to grab her and bring her body close to mine, to pull her breasts into my chest, to run my fingers through her soft hair, and to breath in her smell in deep drunken gulps, but I shake those thoughts from my mind. Perfect, now I'm head case and a depraved human being. I have to stop thinking with my cock all the time. Isn't that Colt's job? I can't think of her right now. Not here. Not now. I have to stay focused.

"I was watching our tight ends really muff the ball earlier. I think you and Colt will have to show them a thing or two about going third and long," she says, with a grin.

"I'm really sorry," I say, almost in a whisper. I have to cough and clear my throat just to find my voice. "I have to leave."

With that I turn around to leave. I gather my things into my silver Porsche with its red leather interior and peel out of the parking lot. I hear my tires squeal as I press my foot firmly on top of the gas pedal. I need to get out of here, and quick. I'm sure that didn't look good, I thought as I turn the corner—leaving practice early and all and brushing Julianna off, but what choice did I have? There is no way I could focus on the game today. My thoughts are all consuming, like a dam spilling over. If I didn't get out of there, I would have drowned.

I roll down my windows and turn the radio up louder than usual, hoping to blast the thoughts out of my mind. It seems to help because by the time I pull up to my building, I’m tapping my fingers on the steering wheel and no longer worrying about Colt or Julianna. I park, walk into my apartment building, ride the elevator to my penthouse suite, and drop my things on the couch. I need something to drink. Water won’t work. And I definitely don't need anything caffeinated. I need something that will keep me calm. I settle on cracking open a beer and almost smile when I pour the liquid into my favorite pint glass and watch the thick, creamy head form around the rim.

I take a long sip, feeling the sharp cold carbonation run down my throat. Liquid heaven. I exhale with relief and grab the remote. I decide to turn on the television, wondering what’s happening in the world of sports news. But as soon as I do, I wished I hadn't. SportsNation pops on with a "breaking news" banner flashing across the screen. "Welcome to SportsNation Highlights. We have some breaking news for you this afternoon. Just when we thought the New York Nailers couldn't be rocked with any further sexual scandal—it appears we were wrong. And this recent video provided by The News of the Times will shock you!”

My stomach sinks and my face grows warm. I can feel my temperature rise when I watch in horror as a familiar scene appears on the screen—our team's locker room. I see my gym bag sitting on the floor—and I see Colt's bag. It’s footage of a scene that has been replaying itself in my mind ever since it happened.


SportsNation Highlights

Sammi Jo: And if you’re just joining us for the late breaking news edition of SportsNation then welcome. I’m your host for the next hour, Sammi Jo, and I’m joined in our SportsNation New York City studios with AJ Ledoux, sports reporter for The News of the Times.

Just to recap our breaking news that’s happening now, another sex tape has surfaced that involves the beleaguered New York Nailers football team in yet another scandal. Just when the Nailers were reeling from back to back revelations of sexual activity between team owner, Julianna Heaton and star quarterback Colt Stackford as well as yet another video of Julianna Heaton and defensive end Ethan Blake, The News of the Times has just released a tape on their website today showing sexual activity taking place in the Nailers very own locker room.

AJ, can you tell us a little bit about this tape and how you got it and why it’s such a big deal between two consenting adults?

AJ: Sure, Sammi. Basically, the tape is actually a cell phone recording that was taken at the time that captured the activity. What viewers to our website will see is Ethan Blake and Colt Stackford, in what I can only describe as a moment of intimacy. What’s more —

Sammi: AJ, wait a second. Let me stop you right there. Are you telling me that someone filmed this? And we’re sitting here getting outraged over consenting actions between two men?

AJ: Uhm, well, we’re not getting mad at them, per se. But what it’s doing to the team.

Sammi: Isn’t this a terrible breach of privacy, AJ?

AJ: I think you’d have to ask the Nailers about that, Sammi. I mean, it’s their locker room, not mine.

Sammi: And how did The News of the Times get their hands on it? Isn’t this unethical behavior on your part?

AJ: I think what you need to ask yourself before you ask that, Sammi, aren’t the actions that the video recording shows, of basically one of the most beloved quarterbacks in the game servicing another teammate with his hand a breach of the public virtues? Against all standards of decency, we expect our role models to follow?

Sammi: And what exactly is that breach of the public virtue, AJ?

AJ: Well, obviously these two star players have been corrupted by none other than Julianna Heaton herself.

Sammi: I’m not sure I follow.

AJ: Think about it. Did the New York Nailers have a problem with sex scandals prior to Julianna? No. Did they have issues with players giving other players hand jobs in the locker rooms before Julianna? No. In fact, each of these videos only demonstrate just how categorically unsuited to be an owner in the NFL. Yes, she may have been successful on Wall Street, but the standards for decency are higher in the NFL. And sure, she may have saved the Nailers from bankruptcy, but her own moral turpitude is going to be her downfall. At this point, the corruption has spread into the team as well. Think about Monday’s performance of the New York Nailers versus the Stepbrothers. It was atrocious. Why was that? Because Colt Stackford and Ethan Blake were more focused on having sex with the owner of their team than they were with paying their dues on the field and winning a game.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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