Executive Engagement - Page 424

I did something intimate with Ethan in the one place that we hold sacred. The arena where we perform. For it to be splashed on national television and the brand that we play under to be tarnished because of actions that I partook in is entirely worthy of a fucking apology.

I didn’t realize that before. But I do now. It’s just probably too late.

DeShawn looks at me for a long moment and I can tell he’s looking and evaluating what he’s going to fucking say to me. I wonder how he’s going to start screwing the knife in. I’ve never been a jackass to him - but I’ve never gone out of my way to be nice either.


After what seems like fucking forever, DeShawn sighs.

He looks towards the television. I look over too. I’m stroking Ethan’s cock with my hand.

Fuck. This. Shit.

“Man, change the fucking channel off if they just gonna be broadcasting garbage all day,” DeShawn says and walks over to the table and picks up the remote. He points it and changes the channel.

It’s the Nightly News. And I’m jerking Ethan off.

He switches it to MTV.

I’m jerking Ethan off.

He switches it to Cartoon Network.

You don’t even wanna fucking know.

Finally, DeShawn just turns the entire thing off.

He looks at me. “I used to think you’re a prick man,” he says. I remain silent. I can’t fight back. “Walking around here with that whole ‘Colt fucking Stackford’ shit. You’re an assbag!”

There are some nods around the room.

“But shit,” DeShawn continues. “You ain’t never been nothing but straight with us and you play your fucking heart out. So if you’re standing there and admitting you fucked up and you made a mistake by doing something in the locker room, I’m cool.”

Holy fuck. What is going on.

DeShawn sees the confusion in my face. “I don’t really care what you do and who you do it with, man,” he says. There are a number of people who nod and agree. “Just don’t get your cum on me, though.”

I can’t help but fucking laugh. A few others do too.

“And shit, you might be more famous now than before, if that’s even possible,” DeShawn says. “Everyone knows fucking Colt now.”

Fuck me. My hearts beating so fast in surprise I can’t even fucking describe it.

They had me i

n probably the most vulnerable moment I have ever fucking been in my life. And they showed fucking mercy.

I could learn a lot from these guys. Like really learn a lot.

I could learn a lot from Ethan.

And Julianna.

DeShawn claps me on the back. “You going to sit down and eat, playboy, or you think we gotta pull out your chair now that you got two sex tapes out in public?”

There’s general laughter all around.

I grin and sit down with the boys.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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