Executive Engagement - Page 472

It was Darcy’s dumb idea to leave the door unlocked in the first place. He’s not getting out of this now.

“LIZZIE!” Catherine screeches again.

“Lizzie,” Darcy echoes, gasping.


“Oh, fuck—Lizzie!”

He explodes on my tongue, coating my entire mouth with delicious, creamy cum. Either he’s been holding it in for a few days, or he just produces insane amounts of it on demand, because my mouth is full of it. I have to pull my head back and release his cock from my lips just to keep it all in.

As Darcy stares down at me, with some insane mixture of disbelief and admiration that I can’t imagine a man like him feels very often, I swallow it all with a smile.

We barely have our clothes back on by the time Catherine bursts in. There’s suspicion in her eyes as her gaze passes over us—but since she can’t tell that my bra is still unclasped beneath my tank top nor that Darcy’s fly is still undone, she doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

“Well, Mr. Darcy,” she asks. “Have you seen everything you need to see?”

Darcy licks his lips and looks over at me. He’s still obviously basking in a delicious afterglow. I’m just desperately trying not to laugh.

“Ah…yes, actually,” Darcy tells her. “Yes, I do believe I have.”


“So, are we still good to go on this Bennet Babe acquisition?”

My lawyer, Chuck, proceeds to tell me a bunch of legal jargon about all the odds and ends of such a deal. I’m only half paying attention to what he has to say. I can’t take my mind off Lizzie.

I have a mental image seared into my brain of Lizzie’s mouth wrapped around my hard cock. I’ve never been with anyone who really knows how to use her tongue. It takes me a couple seconds to realize Chuck is waiting on me for a response.

“Yeah, we’re all good to go,” I say, not entirely sure if that’s a good response for whatever question he just asked.

“How was your tour? Must’ve been something to actually be inside the mansion where it all happens,” Chuck says. There’s something different about the way he asks this. He leans in a bit closer as though he really wants to know what I thought of my experience.

Chuck Bing is a good friend of mine. He’s an excellent lawyer. He knows his way around a courtroom no matter what the case may be. He naturally helps me with these types of business ventures, but he also does divorce cases on the side.

He has a bit of a reputation in his firm because he only represents women going through divorce disputes. And while he would never admit it, on account of it being unprofessional and all, apparently Chuck sleeps with all the women he represents. He always gets them good settlements, so it makes sense the women would be a bit appreciative.

“The mansion was great. There was one girl, Lizzie, you know who she is, right?”

Chuck nods his head in affirmation.

“She was amazing. Really business savvy girl. She could have a good future in this company if she works hard enough.”

“That’s all fine and well. How about the mansion itself? Does it seem structurally sound, or do we need to move the girls to a new location?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t really paying attention to the support beams. Lizzie insisted everything was fine with the mansion, so—”

“You seem awfully infatuated with this Lizzie girl,” Chuck interrupts. His eyebrow cocks upward.

I’ve known Chuck for too long to keep anything from him. I don’t mind though. I know I can trust him.

The only thing I can think about right now is seeing Lizzie again. My cock gets hard just thinking about her. And my first impulse isn’t to hire an escort to take care of it for me. I want to see Lizzie again. For longer this time, in a place where we can be alone and not be disturbed.

I want to be with her for hours, thrusting my cock in her mouth until she gags like last time. I need to fuck her.

“Lizzie made a real impression on me,” I say.

“Cut the shit,” Chuck replies. “You fucked her, didn’t you?”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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