Executive Engagement - Page 496

“I trust none of you ladies have plans for this evening.” Catherine damn well knows that none of us have shit going on, but she’s doing her diplomatic thing. All of us now know where this is going, but Catherine goes on to explain anyway.

“As you all know, with everything going on, Bennet Babes is in a unique position to rise to even higher heights. Right now, there’s a bidding war brewing. If any of you don’t know what a bidding war is, I can tell you that it’s a very good thing for us.

“However, we cannot rest on our laurels. The more we demonstrate our value, the better. The iron is hot right now, ladies. And we could always use a few boatloads of extra cash. We need to do a group show.”

I don’t know how Catherine always chooses the perfect night for these. I look around and everyone seems at least open to it. I’m surprisingly eager.

As badly as I need a lazy night of no work, with these group shows, a few boatloads of extra cash is no exaggeration. We would be doing this shit all the time, but then it wouldn’t be special, or lucrative. With a surprise treat for Bennet Babes fans tonight, I could make up for some of that income I lose for only doing solo stuff.

“We are overdue.” I look at Charlie as soon as I hear her say this, and she’s already staring right back at me with an I know you agree look on her face. We all know what Catherine is talking about by now, and she’s stopped talking to give us a chance to get excited.

I turn back to Catherine and the sun setting behind her through the study window, but I’m really looking at Jane and Lydia in my peripheral vision. I don’t think they mind diving back into it tonight. That pair is becoming a fan favorite, with a growing number of “Jane and Lydia” videos and screencaps getting crazy download stats in the archives.

They just do the shows, but those captures last forever, getting them new fans and bigger royalties. But for now, nothing can touch the massive, loyal fanbase for Lydia’s solo work. Dudes like Hawk are the bread and butter of this site.

Jane looks at her left wrist like there’s a watch there. Probably a joke. “What time?”

“Nine-thirty. Sharp.” Catherine allows herself a well-earned smirk. It’s not like any of us check the actual site, or get the same alerts the fans do. Catherine knows exactly when to schedule group shows—usually days ahead of time—and to wait until a couple hours until show time to tell us.

Some of us are hiding it better than others, but we all still get excited about this stuff. It’s far from routine.

“If you say so, Cath. I’ll do it if ya need me to.” Jane’s trying to play it cool, but leaps off the loveseat arm. “Come on, Lydia, let’s get ready.”

/> “There’s still a couple hours, but I need to get into character.” Lydia seems a little less pumped, but she follows Jane out. I hope Lydia is planning to give it her all.

Hawk surely knows about the show tonight. He’s probably getting ready right now, rubbing his retired porn star bulge through his jeans while checking his supply of tissues and moisturizing hand lotion. Maybe he tries to save face with his housekeeper by complaining about dry skin and these darn allergies he can’t seem to shake.

With Hawk watching like a hawk, I need to make sure that Lydia is front and center.

“See you on camera, Lyds!” I’m calling out to Lydia, but she barely seems to notice. I need to get into character myself. I look to Charlie for some support.

I’m ready to keep yelling, maintain the hype in the air. She’s smiling, enthusiastic. Woo!

“Our four-star hypemaster general, in full effect already.” Charlie and I do a fist bump. She’s into it, at least.

This is why I really love the group videos, it’s the only time we get to combine all our talents. I’m the hype chick, getting dudes to fork over cash while celebrating the best damn cam girls in the world. When I do my thing, our cash goals are always met.

“I’m glad we’re all on the same page.” Catherine is still standing by the window. She’s now beaming at us—our happiness means big bucks for her. Mary is already on her way to pick up Jane’s boa.

Catherine makes her way to the easy chair while Mary inspects the boa, trying to act just mildly interested. We all know what she’s thinking. Now perched on the mansion’s most comfortable chair, Catherine gives Mary her nod of approval.

Mary instantly picks up where Jane left off. As Mary goes fucking nuts with the boa, all of us, including Catherine, go fucking nuts for her. It’s going to be a good night.


Despite the fact that my penthouse is larger than most houses, I find myself not enjoying it often. Many times, I’m glued to the computer doing work shit.

The room that gets the most action is obviously the bedroom. I’ve imported the finest blankets and installed a mirror on the ceiling to give women a first-class sexual experience. Tonight, I’m not trying to find an escort to bring home. I’m not out with Chuck trying to hit on girls who just turned 21 at a bar.

I’m online, sitting in the dark on my computer, waiting to see Lizzie.

Technically, I’m supposed to be doing research on the Bennet Babes for the upcoming investment to make sure it’s financially secure. Instead, I click over to the group show.

Lizzie’s there in the room. She’s fully clothed and waiting with that smirk of disdain on her lips.

This is a much different experience than last time.

Before, Lizzie was simply an idea. She could have just been a computer program designed to get me off. But she sucked my cock in that very room. We fucked in the back of a limo.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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