Executive Engagement - Page 536

“And you stopped at the patisserie, not the bodega?”

“The bodega was only for the beer, I got the pastries at the fancy place.”

The receptionist knows to ignore me as I pass. I can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on with those items. Maybe it’s part of some weird office thing that has nothing to do with me. Or, it could be part of whatever Darcy has in store.

I don’t want to know. I want some questions unanswered. For once I don’t even want to get used to this, or anything.

Fuck falling into ruts, routines, and the same crap over and over. That’s not life. That’s just days going by. Life is what Darcy gives me.

I couldn’t ask for anything more than that.

I’m practically shaking with anticipation as I push open Darcy’s office door.

Darcy’s sitting at his desk with perfect professional posture. The desk’s glass surface is completely tidy. There are no errant papers or chaotic piles of stuff, really nothing but an open laptop that Darcy’s clicking away on.

Darcy stands up and starts walking in my direction. He’s making unbroken eye contact, he must be on his way to give me a big, romantic kiss like in the movies before sweeping me off my feet for our next adventure, whatever that may be…but now he’s stopping. What the shit is this?

He pulls out one of the chairs facing his desk and gestures towards it.

“Please, take a seat.”

Darcy is keeping me guessing, I’ll say that much. This is leading somewhere good, I’m sure. It better be.

I walk over and sit down like I’m at a job interview. Okay, this is kind of fun. I suppose.

Darcy retakes his spot behind the laptop. If this is the game we’re playing, I can go along.

“Would you mind telling me what this meeting is about, sir?” I start in mockingly, “I know your time is valuable, I don’t want to waste it.”

Darcy laughs, honest but mild. I almost jump when I hear the door open behind me. I turn my head around. Darcy’s receptionist—I feel awful not knowing her name—is carrying in an actual silver platter laid out with bagels, chocolate croissants, and scones. The platter is also holding a few small, gold serving dishes holding whipped butter, strawberry cream cheese and what looks like orange marmalade.

“You can just put that right on my desk.”

Darcy’s receptionist looks relieved to do just that, making a loud clanking noise on the glass surface. “The bagels came out of the oven at ten.”

With that announcement, the receptionist half-jogs out of the office. It doesn’t seem like she’s scared—I think that’s just what she does every time.

Darcy checks his watch. “The bagels should still be pretty fresh.”

It’s not even eleven thirty.

“It this a business meeting?” I’m trying to be amused, but this is getting strange.

“This is an announcement, really.” Darcy is barely holding back a grin. Damn, he’s genuinely excited. I almost start laughing myself.

“Just spit it out!”

He laughs. And then he relents. “You’re looking at the new owner of Bennet Babes.”

In an instant, my whole body goes ice-cold, and I feel like throwing up all over that stupid platter. Did I really hear that? I’m hoping this is a joke or maybe just a nightmare as Darcy prattles on like nothing’s wrong.

“Wait, did you want coffee? Espresso? Sparkling water? I think she was supposed to bring in some pear Lambic, I think it’s actually good in the morning…”

“Coffee? What the fuck! Please tell me this is some kind of a...are you serious with this?” Now I’m actually shaking, but with anger and confusion. “Is this your way of breaking up with me?”

Darcy is gazing at my eyes, he looks so goddamn calm. I summon every fiber of my being to stop myself from crying.

“First things first: I am not ending what we have. That’s the last thing I want to do, and it’s not happening. Period.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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