Executive Engagement - Page 539

“Right away, sir,” he responds. Nothing seems to change. I suspect the limo is only moving an extra two miles per hour faster than before. I need to get to Lizzie soon.

I listen in on what Lizzie has to say: “We are just so ecstatic of the support we’ve gotten from all of you over the years. Bennet Babes is a real online institution, and even though we don’t know what’s going to happen, we want to make sure you, our fans, are kept in the loop.”

Lydia chimes in, “Whatever happens to us, we want all of you to follow us. Make sure to keep up-to-date with us on Twitter, Snapchat, and everything else to see where we end up.”

Charlie says, “We’ve even been talking about starting our own cam site. It would give us even more opportunities to do things we weren’t allowed to do on Bennet Babes.”

The comments light up after that. A bunch of tips roll in. I haven’t seen the girls earn this much money in the time I’ve been watching them.

The money is even approaching the amount I donated the first time I saw Lizzie. These girls could probably live quite well from the money they’re raising on this one cam show.

“Oh, come on. Is that all you guys have?” Lydia coos. She starts playing with the t-shirt, slowly revealing her under boob and then showing the whole thing. Jane starts playing with Lydia’s tit on camera and flicks her tongue against the nipple.

These girls really care about each other. They may have met each other through this site, but I think if they met under normal circumstances, they would have been fast friends. I think this is partly the reason Lizzie has been so adamant about protecting the site this entire time.

The list of rules she gave me when I met her in person for the first time. Her marketing ideas. They all care about each other.

It strikes me that I’m having rather sweet thoughts when I’m literally just watching a girl suck another girl’s tits. Dear god. Lizzie truly made me a changed man.

It takes me a second to come to my senses when my limo pulls up to the mansion. I get out and look up at the building. There are thousands of men in the world right now who would kill to be where I am right now.

I’ve run a successful business and met a beautiful, kinky woman. Things most guys would kill for, I’ve completely taken for granted. But not anymore.

I walk through the front door. No one is there to greet me. Under normal circumstances, I would assume no one was home, but I keep my phone in my hand to watch the show. The girls continue to egg on the donors while the girls take turn making out with each other. It’s soft core right now. Nothing to write home about, but Lizzie catches my eye.

The other girls try to bring Lizzie in on the action. She may do something like feel up one of the others, but she’s not getting into the physical acts like the others. I’m sure the other viewers aren’t paying any attention to her.

There’s a lot going on the screen right now to focus on. But Lizzie has my total attention.

Something is on her mind, and I know it’s me. Ordinarily, I could read Lizzie like a book. I know she’s thinking about me, but I can’t tell if it’s good or bad.

Is she thinking about how she thought she had found the perfect man only to discover he was a total asshole? Is she thinking about getting back together with me and working through our problems? I hope it’s the latter, but I can’t be sure.

I walk up the stairs, and the sound coming from my phone begins to blend in from the actual noise coming from Lizzie’s room. I quickly turn down the volume on my phone so as not to alert any of the girls of my presence. At last, I make it to Lizzie’s door.

I can hear the girls continue to squeal with excitement and for good reason. The tips continue coming in bigger and bigg

er quantities. Well, I guess it’s time to make my entrance.

But first, I need to make a good impression. The first time I watched Lizzie’s cam show, I came up with the name “Mr. Big.” I thought it was cute. If I give another tip as Mr. Big, then Lizzie will know it’s me immediately. I want to give her one last surprise before she sees me.

This time, I simply enter my name as “anonymous”. I punch in a number that’s higher than most people end up paying for a house.

Once I hit “Enter,” I half-expect the screen to bring up an error message saying, “Are you really fucking sure you want to give that much?” But it goes through, and I hear the symphony of screams that come from Lizzie’s room.

I continue watching from my phone, and the girls are freaking the fuck out. They understandably can’t contain their excitement. Lizzie flips out the most and yells into the camera, “Oh my fucking god! Who donated this much?”

The girls all gather around the screen, taking time away from making out with each other to look at the screen. They’re all confused at the fact the screen simply says “anonymous.” I bet they were hoping for some celebrity’s name to come up.

Well, it’s now or never. I knock on the door and wait for the girls to answer.


This is a rare moment in my performing career. Jane, Mary, Lydia and Charlie are all staring at me. I do not break character like that during a show, and they don’t either, but these are not usual times.

Thanks to some rando dropping a record-breaking tip, all our futures are suddenly much brighter. Damn right I’m excited, and I don’t think it’s wrong to show it.

I also want to know who Mr. Moneybags is, but that may not be an option. Whoever it is probably wants the show to continue, anyway, so I take a quiet breath and prepare to charge right back into it

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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