Stories From The 6 Train - Page 53

He flinches, and for a minute I feel bad, though I’m not sure why. Does he feel bad about the kind of man he is?

“Just let me take you to dinner. After that, you can decide for yourself what you think about me.”

I can’t deny I want to. I want to see what he’s up to, maybe discover a weakness. But it’s more than that. I also want to spend more time with him. And as dangerous as that is—no, as fucking stupid as that is—I find myself nodding my head.

“Fine,” I concede.

The smirk slips again, revealing that genuine smile for the second time. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

And just like that, he’s gone, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.



Avery stares at me from across the table, her mouth hanging open, her eyes full of confusion and disbelief. I almost can’t believe it either.

I haven’t told anyone my full plan. Not even my assistant. Yet I just poured out all my secrets to a woman I hardly know. A woman who holds more power than she even realizes. Her movement has grown to epic proportions, and she could use this information against me.

Ruining everything. All my plans to bring New York into the future by making the MTA the most forward-thinking and revolutionary mass transit system in the world could blow up before they even get started.

Why did I do it? Why did I tell her everything and hand this power over to her on a silver platter?

Because I see something in her that I recognize in myself. Passion to do the right thing, to stand up for what you believe in and make things happen. And I believe that she will see my side of things in this situation.

At least I hope she does. I hope she doesn’t take everything I think I see in her and prove me completely wrong.

Avery shakes her head, the purple and platinum waves falling around her shoulder in a mesmerizing dance that makes me want to wrap myself up in her.

“You’re serious.”

I nod. “Dead serious.”

“Why haven’t you told anyone? Why have you let the media tear you apart over this—let me work so hard against you—when what you’re doing is so…good?”

I smile. She gets it. It makes me want to sweep her up in my arms and kiss her.

“It’s complicated.” I go on to explain all the crazy details, the bureaucratic bullshit that I have to deal with, the danger of letting someone who doesn’t need to oversee something of this magnitude in on the plans.

By the time I’m done, she’s looking at me with something that borders on awe. I have to admit, the feeling that gives me in my chest is unexpected. I like it. A lot.

“I didn’t expect this at all,” she says wryly. “I have to admit, when you said you wanted to take me to dinner, I thought you were just trying to manipulate me. Get me to give up my campaign against you.”

I nod, trying not to let her words sting too much. She couldn’t have known. And everyone thinks the worst of me. They see me as a ruthless, manipulative shark taking advantage of others. That’s the last thing I am. Which is why when she continues, her words make me feel like I could take on the world with her at my side offering her support.

“That’s not what it was at all.” Avery smiles. “I mean, you do want me to give it up. But you only wanted me to see the truth behind what you’re doing.”

“That’s not all of it, Avery,” I admit. “My motivations weren’t entirely pure.”

She tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

My forehead wrinkles as I scratch the back of my neck, suddenly feeling a lot less sure of myself than usual. That’s a new one.

“I just wanted to spend time with you.” What the hell? Might as well just put it out there.

“Why?” She blinks quickly, swallowing hard.

“Because you’re sexy as hell, for one thing.” I grin when she catches her bottom lip between her teeth. “And I also think you’re pretty fucking amazing. All the work you’ve done to fight me on this? Knowing you wouldn’t be getting anything in return? Just doing it because you care. That’s special. It’s passion. And I want a little more of a woman who feels so strongly about something that she goes to the lengths you do.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024