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The Desert King’s Housekeeper Bride

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‘He is.’ Effie smiled. ‘When he and Cassie declined the invitation I thought there may be some bitterness—I was wrong. They had a very good reason for staying away—their second child is due today!’

‘That cannot be a coincidence.’ Zakari smiled. ‘Today is about moving forward, accepting new responsibility, new challenges…’

‘With grace!’ Effie whispered.

‘Always with grace…’ He traced the apple of her cheek. ‘You can do this—you are wise and you are kind and you were born for this,’ Zakari said firmly, because she was.

Queen Tia’s shame at her bigamous marriage, that her children were illegitimate, somehow, under Effie’s gentle guidance, had been tempered. Resentment and fears quashed as Effie herself, with Zakari by her side, had carefully and sensitively revealed the news.

Effie, who had held Tia as her life had fallen apart.

Zakari, who had stepped in then and helped Tia build it up again.

‘Your secret is your captive,’ Zakari had told her, as together they had faced a public who had wanted answers. ‘So set it free!’

Because there could be no whispers and innuendo when dark secrets were brought out and offered to the scrutiny of light.

Tia’s shame had faded when the man who would, without his Queen, have crushed them in the palm of his hands, instead stood proud beside the Karedes family. In a benevolent but utterly, intrinsically right gesture, Zakari and Effie had insisted that the Karedes family retain their royal status, had reassured them that all that they were—the family they had built, the people they had served—still remained.

That the people of Aristo loved and needed them too.

‘Do you know how differently things would have been without you?’ He stared into her blue, blue eyes. ‘You were born for this. Wisdom flows in your veins, and the Kingdom of Adamas is better for having you.’

‘You will guide me, though?’

‘We will guide each other.’

‘Tell me again what will happen…’ Nerves were starting to catch up with her now.

‘We will ride through the streets of Aristo and you will wave and acknowledge the people—your people. Then, we will arrive at the palace and the coronation will take place as rehearsed. After there will be formal speeches, then dinner and a party where you will more personally greet all the dignitaries…’ He smiled at her pale features. ‘It will be an exhausting day.’

‘Your speech is prepared?’ Effie checked, seeing the bob of his Adam’s apple and for the first time realising that he was nervous too.

‘I am ready.’ He kissed her cool cheek, held her trembling in his strong arms as they faced the two islands’ biggest day.

The power he had sought, the revenge he had demanded, forgotten now.

‘Together we will rule the Kingdom of Adamas and one day the jewels will be reunited, as will the islands. Maria has already started to make designs for the new coronation crown, that, God willing, our heir will one day wear.’ He watched a flicker of something pass over her features…


‘Stefania,’ she corrected with a wry smile. ‘You must get used to calling me that now.’

‘Are you okay?’

‘Of course.’

‘It will happen in time.’

‘I know.’ She smiled.

‘And if it doesn’t, that will not change us.’

‘I know that too.’

‘You would tell me if there was something worrying you? I will do everything I can to make today as easy on you as possible…’

‘I know that.’

How she wanted to tell him.

They had been married for seven months now and though it was still early days, with each month that had passed Effie had held her breath, then let it out in disappointment. Everyone seemed to be pregnant or having babies, and though Zakari had made no comment, though she felt safe in his love, she wanted their baby so badly. Wanted the heir the kingdom needed and now it was happening.

The royal doctor had examined her yesterday evening and had confirmed the precious truth—yet there hadn’t been a moment to tell Zakari. A pre-coronation function had seen them fall into bed at 2:00 a.m., only to be up at 5:00 to prepare for this day, and the news she wanted to impart was surely too precious to be hurried. There was so much going on today, so many details and so many things to attend to. Tonight, Effie decided, she would tell him tonight, when they were truly alone, when duty, at least for a moment, had been done and it was solely about them, she would tell him.

‘Your Highnesses…’

The bedroom door was opened—privacy had no place in this day—and, still holding on to her precious secret, Effie took her husband’s arm, grateful she could lean on him, knowing he was there beside her.

The staff lined the hallway, and as the palace doors opened Effie caught her breath.

She had been through the plans over and over, but nothing could ever have prepared her for the sight of the cars, the motorbikes and the cheers from the palace gates.

They were driven in a cream open-topped car, preceded by motorbikes, and security cars brought up the behind. Well-wishers lined every inch of the streets on the long drive to the palace, their cheers and waves growing louder and more frantic as the crowd deepened the closer they got.

Frequently they stood. And she smiled at them all, waved back at every face she could see as Zakari did the same.

The people were running, cheering, craning their heads for a long glimpse of the beautiful royal couple.

‘They are cheering for you,’ Zakari said. ‘Your people are happy.’

‘They know we will do well. They know that the Kingdom of Adamas is safe.’

Finally they were at the palace.

Effie was shaking with nerves, but Zakari held her hand as they were greeted with an honour guard, but then it was time for him to let go.

This walk she must make alone.

‘Look at you!’ Eleni held her for a moment as Zakari took his place, as the last of the vital details were put into place. ‘You look stunning.’

‘I’m scared,’ Effie admitted, letting Eleni hold her, so glad for the friendship and wisdom her sister-in-law so readily gave.

‘I am terrified too…’ Kalila came over. Always, to Effie, she had seemed to stand slightly apart, but suddenly they were close as Effie saw that this beauty, this wonder woman who had been bred to be Zakari’s Queen, now stood, nine months pregnant and terrified. ‘What if my waters break during the service?’

Effie gave a shocked giggle and realised at that moment they were all the same, a group of women, of friends who were all in their own way doing their best.

‘I’ll have a seizure!’ Eleni proudly announced. ‘If your waters pop, I promise I will collapse to the floor and create such a scene, no one will even notice the puddle!’

‘Promise?’ Kalila checked, a smile edging on her lips.

‘We’re in this together,’ Eleni said, holding Effie’s hand as the band grew louder.

‘They are waiting.’ Hassan spoke kindly to her now as Kalila and Eleni faded away and took their places beside their husbands.

Hassan was a resource she had never thought she would tap, yet, in desperate times, Effie tapped it now.

‘I’m scared, Hassan.’

‘Why?’ Hassan asked.

‘Because I’m not good enough!’ Through shivering teeth she admitted the truth.

‘You are better than good.’ Hassan stared at the Queen of Aristo, then voiced his own truth. ‘I am proud to serve you.’

‘How?’ Effie begged as the presentation music started, as at the final hurdle she faltered. ‘How, when I have no education, when I am nothing more than a palace maid, can you be proud to serve me, can you trust in me to be right?’

‘Because you are,’ Hassan answered simply, then repeated it. ‘Because you are.’

Every head turned.

Except Effie’s.

Oh, she wanted to seek out Zakari, yet she must stare fixedly ahead as she took the longest walk of her life.

Her husband waiting by the Calistan throne ahead as she walked for this moment alone.

Towards Queen Tia.

In Effie’s eyes, she was the most beautiful and elegant of them all.

She was the one who would place the crown on her head.

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