Stories From The 6 Train - Page 118

“Michael doesn’t know what he wants half the time until I tell him,” Kenneth says. “He doesn't realize that you don't deserve him. He doesn't understand that the population of this city doesn't care who he’s sleeping with.”

I remain silent as Kenneth continues. “But that’s fine. He doesn’t have to make the hard choices. That’s why he has me. And I’m making the choice for how he has to deal with you, Mrs. Anders.”

“What do you mean?” I ask Kenneth. His eyes are looking at me coldly, evaluating me.

“You’re no good for him,” Kenneth says to me matter-of-factly. “If anyone ever finds out that baby isn’t his, it could mean ruin politically for his future. We’d be stopped at the mayoral level.”

“We?” I ask, with an arched eyebrow.

The crowd cheers again and Kenneth waits until it dies down.

“You need to leave him,” Kenneth says to me.

I shake my head. I can’t do that. He doesn't know the conversation Michael and I have already had.

“I don’t think you understand, Jocelyn,” Kenneth says to me, looking at me shaking my head. “Michael may have threatened you, and he may carry through it, but it’s nothing compared to what I’ll unleash on you if you don’t leave him.”

Now I’m curious. What's worse that Kenneth could do?

“I’ll not only expose your father, but I’ll pull enough strings that when you finally do have that baby, Social Services will come take it away because you’ll be an unfit mother,” Kenneth hisses. “And Michael will be long gone after that shit comes out. He won’t be able to protect you.”

I’m frozen as I hear the words that my baby might be taken away.

“Sure, you’ll be able to deny that the baby isn’t yours, but once Michael starts getting hit, he’ll throw you overboard to save himself. And then no one will be around to defend you, dear,” Kenneth says, taking a moment to pause and look into my eyes.

“You won’t win in this situation, so it’s time to make sure you end up losing the least,” he tells me. I’m still frozen. In shock. Awe. Disgust. Revulsion. “But Mrs. Anders, if you cooperate with me and do exactly what I tell you to do, maybe you can mitigate some of those losses.”

I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. My baby is being used as a bargaining chip.

“If you leave Michael, and do it convincingly, and make the world believe you guys split,” I’ll not only not hurt you, I’ll help you land on your feet after Michael starts destroying your father.

I stare at him.

“But you only have one week to end things with Michael,” Kenneth concludes. “One week to break off your ties to that man.

I wonder if I’m in a weird twisted dream brought about by pregnancy. I can’t believe just a few weeks ago I was routinely enjoying mind-numbing sex with Lance. And now, this?

“Why?” I ask, simply. That’s all I need to know.

Kenneth seems to consider a moment before answering, “Because I love that man in ways you would never understand,” he replies. “And I want what’s mine without you taking it away from me.”

I try to reply, but Michael finishes his speech and the crowd goes wild. News reporters and bodyguards crowd around us with the reporters asking questions or taking pictures and the bodyguards ushering off the stage.

I know Kenneth wants to speak more, but he just looks at me and says, “One week,” before a bodyguard comes over and ushers me off the stage and toward the waiting limo.

One week in which to end a marriage.

And lose my soul at the same time.

But anything to protect my baby.

No, our baby. Lance’s and mine.

Our baby.


Since Jocelyn broke up with me that I haven't been the fucking same. How could I? It might be a fucking dumb thing to say, but she ripped my fucking heart out and stepped all over it. And I still can't take her out of my fucking mind. I'm going fucking crazy here, that much I can tell you.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024