Stories From The 6 Train - Page 240

She takes a step over and gets on her tiptoes. Her mouth comes to mine and she kisses me.

Long and fucking hard.

The kind that sends blood to your cock.

When she pulls back, she’s smiling.

“I love you too, you big romantic bear, you,” she says with a smirk and twinkling eyes.

Fuck. She’s back.

“So no more talk of leaving?” I ask her, trying to hide my smile.

“Uh-uh,” she says shaking her head.

“Good,” I tell her, turning away, trying to not look like a fool. “Then scram. I got work to do.”

Brittney kisses me one last time and turns around to walk away. I go to my desk and unmute the call.

But the line is silent. I wonder if they’re already done? They can’t be. The call was supposed to be for another half hour at least.

“If you’re wondering what happened to the call, I told everyone we’d reconvene when we never heard you answer any of our questions,” Cheryl says from the door to my office.

I turn around. She’s standing there holding her tablet and looking at me.

“When you didn’t answer even me, I decided you had probably jumped off without telling me,” she says as she walks in, her eyes looking around. “Which is a very odd thing to do, even for you, considering the importance of what we’re planning here Ethan,” she finishes with.

She’s looking at me closely and I know what's fucking coming.

“I got caught up, Cheryl…” I start to say but she fucking cuts me off.

“Yes, I saw her heading to the elevator when I started coming this way. She looked happy,” Cheryl says and raises her eyebrows at me. “Quite different from the way she looked from my office when she came up.”

“She wanted off the project,” I tell Cheryl, not knowing why I’m fucking explaining myself to her. “But I talked her into staying.”

“I see,” Cheryl says with a deep breath as if smelling the room. “I’m glad you didn’t sleep with her to make the point.”

“Are you smelling for fucking sex smells, Cheryl?” I ask, not sure where this conversation is headed. “Is that in your bag of tricks nowadays too?”

“I’m sighing, Ethan,” Cheryl says rolling her eyes and walking to the window. “Because I don’t think you realize what you’re falling into here.”

“What?” I ask, walking to the window too. “You still think she’s the one who's going to steal the prototype for Simon?”

“No, Ethan,” Cheryl says turning to me. “It doesn't matter if she’s the one who's stealing the prototype, but at least you need to be honest with her.”

I pause. That stops me short.

“You need to tell her the truth about what you’re doing,” Cheryl says to me. “Because you’re in love with that girl, and regardless of what she’s up to, she’s in love with you.”

I still have nothing to fucking say. It’s not like I have the high ground anymore.

“And if you really love her, the least you can do is be honest about yourself and what you’re doing. At least to her,” Cheryl finishes.

I’m silent as she looks at me for another second.

“I’ll be with Marketing if you need me,” she says by way of goodbye.

I stand there for a long minute as Cheryl leaves.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024