Stories From The 6 Train - Page 301

I can't tell you yet who I'm talking to, because there's a chance that if Lorna finds out, she'll try to stop me.

"It's me," I say into the receiver.

Don't worry. The one person who was expecting my call knows my voice. They know who I am if I tell them it's me. They stay silent as well.

"Lorna's probably going to go to war," I speak into the phone. "I want to be fucking ready in case she does."

Again silence. But that only means that they understand. Asking for a vote of no confidence will mean war. It has the potential to tear the company in two. I'm going to prevent that if I have to.

But right now, I've said everything I need to.

I quickly head out of my office.

I texted my driver and my limo is waiting outside of the entrances to Kane Price and I hop in, telling the driver that I need to go home.

As the limo makes its way toward Seventh Avenue and One57 apartment, I look at my phone.

Becca hasn't texted. She hasn't called.

Does she think that Lorna and I started fucking?

Or is she just too distraught at what her mother said?

Fuck, I need to get home and sit down with a glass of scotch. Then I need to figure out how to get to Becca without having to go back to Lorna's house. There's gotta be a way.

I'm not thinking of any solution as I unlock the door to my condo and walk in.

But then, a moment later, I stop thinking altogether.

Because I don't have to; standing right in front of me is Becca Lowell.

She turns to me, and I try to figure out what the look on her face means.

Is she hurt? Distraught?

"Becca," I say, dropping my keys on the table and walking over. "Nothing happened with your mom," I say.

She smiles at me. "I know," she says and takes a step over. Is it me or does she sound happy?

"I heard everything Mom said," she says and then stops herself. "I mean actually, I guess I heard everything Lorna said. Since she's not really my mother."

This is the part that I fucking dreaded.

"You heard that?" I ask.

"Mason, it's okay," she says to me and wraps her arms around me. "It means I'm not related to that bitch. And, that I'm not fucking my stepdad anymore since I'm technically not related to her at all. Thank you for standing up to her."

I pause. Becca's happy. I guess I can understand, but a part of me stirs when she says the word stepdad.

"I guess we're just two people then who aren't related at all," I say slowly.

Becca unwraps herself and takes a step back. "But it's so dirty to still imagine it, isn't it?" she asks me with a wicked grin.

I feel my cock twitching just looking at her. It's filthy. It's taboo.

"Do you want to fuck me?" she asks me. And then slowly she says the word, "Daddy?"

I have no idea how she got here before me. But when she pulls her pink shirt over her head I stop caring.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024