Stories From The 6 Train - Page 304

“It’s… so… fucking… good…” It's all she manages to say between each stride I make inside of her. “Harder... harder... HARDER!”

I don't know if she’s screaming or whispering. I’m so fucking lost in motion, sweat tricking down both our bodies, her wet hair clinging to her face.

I go as fast and as hard as I can until her screaming makes her throat go sore. Even so, she lets out a harsh moan that makes my skin prickle, her body convulsing as an out-of-control climax takes hold of her body.

The sound of her moaning drives sparks of electricity down my body, and I feel a pleasant tightness taking hold of me. My cock jerks deep inside of her and, grabbing her by the hips with more force than is necessary, I join her in absolute paradise.

I close my eyes as my cock explodes inside of her, my cum filling her pussy and dripping down onto the sheets. I breathe out, long and hard, as if I’m breathing out all the tension that has accumulated in my body.

Only when her body goes limp do I let go of her.

I roll to the side, allowing my body to rest right next to hers. She’s breathing hard, as if she's just ran a marathon, not that I'm in much better condition. My lungs are working hard, my heart's working overtime, and all of my muscles are feeling sore from the effort.

I close my eyes, just for enough time to catch my breath. The next thing I know I’ve slipped into the land of dreams, the scent of her pussy still lingering on my cock.

For the first time in days I sleep like a baby.

I wake up with a chill. I’m still naked on top of my bed, my crumpled clothes lost on the floor. I rub both of my eyes with the back of my hand and sit up on the bed. For how long have I been asleep? Five minutes? Ten hours? I have no answer.

“Hey, wake --”, my hand expects to find her naked body still next to me, but all I find is the soft velvety mattress. I feel the silence around me, my breathing the only thing spoiling it. On the floor, all of her clothes are gone. Well, almost all of her clothes.

I smile at the sight of it.

She’s vanished like a ghost, but she’s been wicked enough to leave one last memento behind: her thong.

I imagine her tiptoeing out of my room, her pussy rubbing against the fabric of her tight pants and I almost laugh to himself.

She sure knows how to drive a man crazy. Whether I'm her stepdad or not, I’ve never had an experience like this before.

I need more.

MarketWatch Journal Flash Update

New details emerged today surrounding the beleaguered billionaire. This time rumors have surfaced that the hastily arranged marriage was nothing more than a cover up to protect Mason Kane's career.

Sources who have requested anonymity due to being close to the married couple confirm that the marriage between Mr. Kane and Lorna Lowell has yet to be consummated. While paperwork and all the bureaucratic measures have been taken, they allege that Mr. Kane seems uninterested to the point of revulsion in being intimate with Ms. Lowell. Speculation is rife within the Lowell domestic staff—who have witnessed or heard second-hand reports of the couple—whether Mr. Kane is a closet homosexual. Many anonymous sources believe at this time that Mason Kane either suffers from impotence or is gay and thus arranged the marriage with Ms. Lowell to further stave off embarrassment.

The anonymous sources do acknowledge that Mr. Kane has made no formal declaration of any of the speculation—neither confirming nor denying these allegations. However, amidst a culture on Wall Street that acts on rumors and vague murmurs, the allegations were enough to send shares of Kane Price plunging 15% during market trading before stabilizing during after-hour trades.

The sudden decrease in share price has many shareholders and clients once again considering whether Mr. Kane is the right person to be managing the investment bank that he founded and took public several years ago. While critics do not question his potential to make money, they do question whether his extra-curricular entanglements have gotten to such a point where he is no longer able to serve as a fiduciary steward of shareholder value.

It was only two months ago that the self-styled King of Wall Street married Lorna Lowell

, a shareholder activist who controls a large chunk of voting stock within Kane Price. Ms. Lowell has been outspoken in her criticism of Mr. Kane and his handling of his personal life prior to their marriage as well as his investment choices that he has made in recent weeks.

Both sides agree that a vote of no confidence, unheard of in the button down world of Wall Street would literally tear the company apart, with factions splitting off into opposing camps and halting the business that is conducted daily by the globe-girdling bank. That such a development would be disastrous to shareholders and clients is something both sides agree on and only warranted in the most extreme circumstances.

Still, the tension and threat of a no confidence vote are simmering under the surface.

Internally, sources confirm that Kane Price is splitting up into battlegrounds over a proposal by Ms. Lowell to invest $1 billion of the Firm's assets into Indonesian regional airline provider, Red Lion Aviation. Mr. Kane has strongly opposed this investment, stating that the risk is too great for any return. However those who favor the investment view any delay on Mr. Kane's part as simply being based out of ego and not on rational decision making.



That's how many weeks it's been since I first fucked Mason in the bathroom of the bar. Before I knew who exactly he was. Before we began to spend more and more time together. Before I realized his connection to Lorna. Before I realized a lot of things. I used to think I was so grown up. But I realize now just how naive I was. It feels like in those five weeks since I've met Mason, I've crossed a bridge that can never be crossed, you know? Like I've matured much faster than any 21 year old should have to.


Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
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