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Stories From The 6 Train

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You remember what I'm talking about, Gorgeous? Remember Becca found something on the employee records that Red Lion Aviation had to file with the government and showed me?

I hadn't told you what that was yet right?

Well, don't worry. You'll find out soon enough.

“Is everything going to be okay?” Becca asks me, her eyes wide. “You know, with the way you left Mom?”

I shrug. “Lorna is most likely going to get her people to call a Non Confidence vote from the Board to throw me out,” I say calmly. “Say that with not investing in Red Lion and my outside antics I’m not fit to lead the firm.”

She looks at me and I can see her beginning to wonder if this is because of her.

“I have some tricks up my sleeve though, just in case,” I tell her. “Just get me the data, and if there’s a Board Meeting, make sure you make sure to be there.”

“Where will you be?” she asks me.

“I might be out finding the smoking gun,” I reply. Th

en I give her a grin. “I mean, if all else goes badly, I might just pull a Sawyer and leave New York and go to the fucking mountains.”

Becca looks at me. “Sawyer?” she asks me.

“The Woodsman?” I ask her back. She looks at me blankly.

“Go read Eddie Cleveland, baby girl,” I tell her. “He’s an author and a friend of mine. Good shit.”

Becca has just lifted her head off my chest and is looking at me. I can tell the time for serious talk is over.

"But before I do anything, Mason Kane," she says with a mischievous smile. "I'm simply not going to let another minute pass without me getting a chance to suck that big, beautiful cock of yours."

Yeah, Gorgeous, I don't think I'm going to be talking for a while. But I fucking promise. If what Becca found is important enough, you'll be the first to know.

Becca's head approaches my chest and she starts to kiss her way down.

I feel her body scraping against mine as she lowers herself.

Fuck, it's going to be a good morning.

MarketWatch Journal Flash Update

Breaking news today that has all of Wall Street talking.

Allegations surfaced today of sexual impropriety on the part of Mason Kane, the beleaguered CEO of the embattled investment bank Kane Price. Amidst the allegations, the Board of Directors of Kane Price formally declared to hold a vote of No Confidence in Mason Kane, the founder and CEO of Kane Price.

Kane Price shares tumbled in intraday trading, dropping as low as 30% before finishing the day lower 25%. Prices of a single share of Kane Price were at their 52-week low of the year.

The No Confidence vote came on the heels, and many believe, spurred by a statement from Mr. Kane's current wife. The statement released by Lorna Lowell, the activist shareholder with the largest position in Kane Price after Mr. Kane himself. In the statement that was released to the media as well as posted on her own official site as well as that of her law firm, the recently married wife of the CEO states that she will be seeking an annulment from their marriage, and barring that, a divorce.

In the statement, she states unequivocally that Mason Kane expressed an unhealthy interest in her daughter, Rebecca Lowell. She asserts that on numerous occasions she had caught both Mr. Kane and her daughter in sexually compromising positions that violated the sanctity of her marriage vows.

Ms. Lowell further goes on to state that she plans to bring about conclusive proof in divorce court should she be required to that these overtures by Mr. Kane were the result of his "bare knuckles" approach to dealing with her when the two disagreed on investment matters for the Firm. Ms. Lowell was made Chief Investment Counsel to the CEO less than three months ago. Almost immediately, the two began to clash on controversial investments and the future of Kane Price.

Numerous insiders describe the situation inside Kane Price as two armed camps that are facing off against each other, with one side siding with Lorna Lowell and the investment direction she proposes, and the other sticking with Mr. Kane and the tried and true formula that he believes in.

Mr. Kane has faced troubles before. Earlier in the year he was at the heart of a scandal after being filmed in a compromising sexual position with a television anchor, Stacy Sawyer. The video culminated with his ejaculation on live television.

Investors and clients are naturally spooked by the turbulence at Kane Price and sources tell us that an outflow of money has already begun that will most likely get worse if the Board decides to remove Mr. Kane in it's No Confidence meeting scheduled four days from now.

At this time, the only person who seems to be calm is Mason Kane himself. Reporters sought to gauge his pulse as he headed out of his One57 condo, but the CEO stated that he had no comment to give. Mr. Kane was last seen heading toward Peterborough Airport and many find it odd that he would leave New York City at a time like this rather than prepare for the meeting that will decide his fate as CEO.

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