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Stories From The 6 Train

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So I found myself a new hobby. Well, the same old hobby, updated for my current situation.

I didn’t get out of bed all day. Last night I slept in bed next to Darren and I listened to him breathing before I finally fell asleep. This morning I got up and I brushed my teeth and crawled back in bed and looked up billionaire virgin romances on Amazon. I downloaded a bunch on my Kindle and I’ve been reading them all day.

So, rules. He set out those rules. But I have something to share with him as well after a long day of doing my own research.

So when Darren walks in the bedroom now, I put my hands on my hips.

“You’re supposed to call me Kitten,” I tell him.

Darren cocks his head the side, obviously confused.

I pick up my Kindle. “Don’t you read Dark Angel? I’m your pet and stuff. Like, you’re supposed to pamper me. Those are the rules!” I hand him my Kindle. He looks at the book cover and looks back at me.

“The first rule is today you will not speak,” Darren says. “I need to adjust you to obedience. Do you understand?”

“Oh, so I can speak? I want Chinese food today before someone comes to buy new clothes and take you to my makeover,” I say.

Darren’s lips purse and he narrows his eyes.

“Oh, yeah, I get it. Today is silence. Rules. I wanna follow them,” I say tapping the Kindle.

“That’s enough Kindle for you. And enough talk,” Darren says, pulling the Kindle aside and setting on the bed next to me.

He leans in closer, close enough our noses touch.

My lips part, and I inhale the masculine scent of him surrounding me.

His lips close over mine, my eyes closing at the sensation of him kissing me. The kiss is so tender…how can he be so domineering, so passionate, and so gentle all at once?

I don’t know. I only know that I want to follow where it leads…


You may not know this about me (haha) but my already chatty tendencies tend to go into overdrive when I’m nervous or unsure.

So…yeah, going to meeting after meeting in the again appropriately corporate conference rooms and sitting beside Darren in silence while he commands the room.




Seriously, every time he puts his hand on his hip, or points at something. Touches a pen. Looks at me. My breathing just stops. I can’t believe one man can be so damn sexy.

Now that I’m following the rules, I have to chew on my lips rather than smack them around with whatever inane verbal clutter I’d be offering otherwise.

The truth is, I’d be sucking his cock right now if I didn’t think it would be frowned on in these meetings.

Seriously, how can one man have so many meetings in a day? I caught a glimpse of his schedule on his phone — his assistant Genovee was shifting some other appointment for him — and I was like how the hell does this guy have time to sleep?!

It makes me feel bad for him. Like I wanna listen to all his rules and wrap my silenced lips around his baseball bat of a fucking cock and hear him make some noise.

He has me follow him around to every meeting, different rooms, and we even go to someone else’s office for a lunch. No one asks who I am when he doesn’t introduce me. I suppose that sounds kind of rude but I don’t think of it that way. Instead, I know it is part of the submissive nature he’s trying to nurture in me. I read my Kindle fiction and I listened to his rules.

The possibilities were all I could think about, until right now.

“Be silent,” Darren says, though we both know I have to be.

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