Princely Passions - Page 52

Still grabbing one of her legs, I grab the other one and lift it up; she immediately locks them behind my back, her arms thrown over my shoulders as she forces me to lean in and kisses me in abandonment. I kiss her back, closing my eyes as I keep on thrusting. I have to grit my teeth, waves of pleasure hitting me all at once, her body like a maddening drug designed for the perfect high. Because that’s exactly how I feel - I feel fucking high and, by God, only Daphne can make me feel like this.

I match the sway of her hips, our movements guided by the same invisible rhythm of lust. I feel nothing but the warmness of her body - I don’t feel or hear the running water, I don’t see the cloud of steam that fills the room. I’m fucking deaf and blind to the world, all brain power directed to what really matters - her.

I keep going until both our bodies hum the same fucking song - one of lust, passion and pleasure. Locked in our tight embrace, our bodies tense as a wave of pleasure comes for us both. She rests her forehead against my chest, her pussy tightening around my spasming cock as I cum in a torrent.

I exhale sharply as her whole body convulses, her muscles rippling as wild sparks of pleasure jump from her body into mine. I remain still, savoring the moment. My cock gives its final spasms, semen dripping down her thighs as her ragged breathing becomes calmer.

In this exact moment, I’m not a fucking prince. I’m not Prince fucking Sin or whatever I’m called. In her arms I’m just Derrick, and all those fucking problems that plague me fade away as if they’re nothing.

Fuck, I couldn’t be more glad that I found her.

I turn off the shower, and towel her off. I look into her eyes and can’t believe I’m about to say. “I love you, Daphne,” I say.

Fuck me. Who ever thought this day would come?

She looks me in the eyes as I look at her. Fuck, if anything happened to her, I don’t know what I’d do. I wouldn’t be able to go on.

She looks at me for a long moment. A very long moment. “I need you to come with me, Derrick.”

She wraps the towel around her and ties it in the front, and walks out of the bathroom. I stare at her ass and her shapely fucking legs as she walks off.

I gotta say one thing. This is not the response I expected to me declaring that I loved her.

I follow Daphne into her room and she sits down on the bed.

I throw my towel over my shoulder. Daphne looks at me and scrunches her nose.

“You’re not feeling the towel?” she asks me with a smirk. This girl is starting to get some sass in her.

Just looking at Daphne sitting on her bed is getting my cock hard. I grin at her, and walk over to the bed. But as I get close, she pulls out her laptop and turns it my direction.

“If you’ve fallen in love with me Derrick,” she says and I stop short. “If you’ve really fallen in love with me, then…I can’t keep this to myself any longer.”

What the fuck is this? I actually put my towel down and sit down on the bed.

“You need to know the truth,” Daphne says and hands me her tablet as well.

I look through it. The headline is from the St. Livy Register - the newspaper of record in my kingdom. It simply reads, “Queen Dies From Drug Overdose in New York.”

I look up at Daphne. “What the fuck is this?” I ask, my heart starting to beat.

She looks at me firmly. “The truth,” she says. “Read.”

And read I fucking do.

It rocks my fucking world.

My mother never had cancer. She had several, and I’m talking about upwards of ten times she checked into rehab for drugs. For alcohol.

Article after article. Government records. Foreign newspapers and gossip columns. All painting a picture far more different than I ever knew.

My parents being married in an arranged marriage. My mother getting caught cheating on my father, the King at least five times. Her struggles with alcoholism. Her passing out drunk and high at state functions. Embezzlement of monies from the Royal Treasury. Being picked up in Amsterdam in the Red Light District - high on methamphetamines.

Finally, internal documents that were declassified by the St. Livy Royal Office showing my father taking my mother for treatment all around the world. Taking her to St. Penares for therapy. To Australia to get away from the press. And finally to bring her to New York City for intensive therapy - after a particularly heinous episode where she was caught fucking two guys in the Royal Palace with cocaine in her system and a Blood Alcohol Level around 0.15.

Apparently New York City was the last straw. A sum of $2.5 million dollars was found to have been embezzled by my mother and the Parliament of St. Livy had demanded that the King do something about his wayward wife or abdicate the throne until the matter was resolved.

Rather than throw his country into chaos, he brought her to treatment here.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
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