Princely Passions - Page 66

Oh my God! I love him so much. There’s no question now what he’s going to ask.

Really, I hope I flossed. Do I have coffee breath?

He’s pulled out a box from somewhere. He’s opened it, and there’s a ring. With a diamond. Geez, that’s a big diamond. It’s so beautiful. It’s big. But so tasteful and elegant.

Kind of like his cock? It’s like the Derrick-cock of diamonds?

The man is proposing to you! Now is not the time to be thinking about his cock!!

Actually, I’m so wet. It’s insane.

“Daphne Apple,” he says. “Will you do me the honor and privilege of consenting to be my wife so that we can spend the rest of our lives in the happiness we have now?”

How did he ever become so articulate? I’ve tamed him and created a monster!

I’m so happy!

My heart is about to burst!

I can’t speak!

“Yes,” I whisper.

The roar of the city - while in the distance - is still loud enough to drown me out I think.

“Yes,” I say louder. Derrick hears me and begins to smile.

“Yes!” I say, just in case he didn’t hear me. He takes the ring out.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” I repeat, giddy with happiness, just in case he didn't understand. It’s like I’m a happiness volcano and it’s all rushing out. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover.

He puts the ring on my finger.

I don’t even know how to react. Do I kiss him? Do I hug him? Do I scream out in pure ecstasy? Everything seems like the right decision!

I bite my lower lip, trying to stop myself from crying, and grab his hands on mine. He gets up, his eyes locked on mine. I don’t even know what else I should say! But it doesn’t even matter - he makes words meaningless as he leans into me and kisses me.

“Yes?” He asks as he stands with a huge smile planted on his flushed face.

“Of course!” I yell to him.

Why would he think for one second I would say anything else? I’ve wanted to spend every day of my life with him since our first night together. We live together for Christ’s sake!

“I love you,” he whispers on my lips and I feel like I’m floating in my very own fairy tale.

He kisses me with a new passion, a dangerous level of love in the way that he grips my neck, leading me.

“I love you more,” I challenge and he twists his face as if I’ve said something completely absurd.

“Let’s go home,” he links his fingers through mine and leads me back through the construction tape.

“How did you plan all of this?” I ask as we make our way to the waiting Bentley limousine.

“Anything for you, love,” he shrugs before opening the car door for me.

Once Derrick settles into his seat beside me, he pushes a button and a dark partition rises, separating us from the driver.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024