Princely Passions - Page 236

I mean, just because it isn't a race doesn't mean I'm not ready to finish. At least the first time. "I'm coming!" I yell out, though the way my pussy clamps down hard on Stone's cock and my legs turn to jelly? That probably gave it away.

Stone holds me up because my legs aren't held up by me anymore. He fucks me down his cock and holds me against it. His hands roam up to my breasts and squeeze me tight to him. My heart is pounding so hard and I'm rolling in a sheen of sweat all over my body. I feel the blood rushing back to every part of my body as Stone pulls me up against his back, still fucking up into my dripping, trembling pussy. I cry out with need, not for anything in particular here, either, I just have to vocalize all of the lust that's built up inside of me and needs release now. I am alive all over, a constellation of ecstasy and pure pleasure.

Stone's fingers squeeze my breasts tight and he roves one hand up to close over my throat. My orgasm finishes off with a deeper well of desire he's sating. His hand at my throat amps up the pleasure without really cutting off my air. Just enough to get me high on him. When I come down from the high of that orgasm, Stone pulls out of me and turns me around, pulling me tight against him and then, his eyes never leaving mine, presses me against the wall.

"You went through a lot of trouble for me tonight. Including this elevator. So I think it is only fair that we make this night one we'll never forget," Stone says, and his mouth is over my neck again. He presses my buttons with kisses up and down my shoulders, my collarbone, my breasts. He pulls up for air and starts to take off his clothes. I take in the sight of him and I'm so caught up in how much I need him that I almost can't breathe.

"You're dangerous, Stone, you know that?" I smile at him, letting him know that even though I'm serious that I mean it in the nicest way possible.

"Yeah?" Stone says, sliding his shirt over his head.

God I am going to love licking every inch of this perfect man.

"Definitely. I don't know how I'm supposed to make a whole lifetime of uneven breathing and a too fast heartbeat work," I say, wringing my hands up like I'm struggling.

Girl, you know this kind of struggle is what you long for. But there's something freeing in being playful with Stone. He makes me feel at home with him no matter what filthy things we're up to or if we're just talking. I came on so hard and strong with my ambitious writer schtick but like here I am now, more me than I've ever been before because Stone sets me free.

"Not to mention you lose a gallon of your body out of your pussy before I even touch you, Gisele, you get so goddamn wet." Stone gets back on his knees and bites into my thighs. "The bar in my suite is going to be sparked with stuff with electrolytes and shit. I have ever intention of keeping you sore from how much and how hard we fuck but, like, I don't want you dehydrated."

"Stone!" I laugh and pull his face back up to kiss me. I kiss him quick on the nose. "You've got something that I'd love to hydrate with right now.

"You thinking about wrapping those sweet lips around this cock?" Stone points to the jutting monster between this thighs. "Sorry, he wants me to stand and deliver." He gives me that almost boyish coy grin.

There's truly never a dull moment with Stone. "You make me so happy," I tell him. Normally, for some reason, I wouldn't say that out loud. But I'm bold now. I'm brazen. I'm all Stone's and he deserves to hear what that means to me.

"Good, you make me happier than I knew I could be," Stone says, and he starts pumping his cock. "Now lick every drop of my cum off your perfect tits. I have to hydrate you," Stone says, sucking in his lips and nodding like he's doing something that's just oh so necessary to take care of me. I pull down the front of my dress so that my tits are free. Really, big as my breasts are, it doesn't take much to convince them to pop out for some attention.

Stone definitely enjoys this. His eyes might pop out of his head every time he looks at my tits. One day they might but for now we're safe.

Fuck, the way he looks shooting those huge ropes of cum onto my tits. A girl has to swoon when the biceps flex so good and he unloads all that pearly, creamy cum on you. I have huge breasts so I play up lifting my breasts to my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the nipple, licking up every drop. Watching him watching me is so erotic I feel like a flame is lit within me. Who am I kidding? Stone on my body? Stone near me? I've got an internal flame I'm completely willing to offer up to the Olympics. I could torch a forest with what Stone incinerates within me.

"Only you can prevent forest fires," I say with a laugh looking at Stone stroking his massive, still hard cock.

"What?" Stone laughs along with me though of course he has no idea what crazy thoughts I'm thinking. I'll be nice and tell him.

"Oh, I was just thinking that you keep my body on fire. If you don't put it out with that big fireman's hose, I might destroy a village or something," I say, giggling at the absurdity of what I've just said. "Okay, okay," I say waving my hands. "What can I say? You fucked me silly and I don't have to make sense anymore."

"That's right, babe," Stone says, pulling me close. "You don't have to make sense, you just have to be mine. Nothing in this world could make more sense than you and me. Everything fades away when you're with me. And without you...I felt like static in the wind."

Stone cups my face and kisses me. His lips slowly close over mine, pull me in. His tongue taps at seam of my lips, and I let him in. Our tongues glide over each other. His hips grind into me and I'm aching for him. He pulls back to kiss the corner of my mouth, then back to talk to me again.

"Gonna fuck you slow, savor every moment of having you back, now that we've rutted like animals," Stone says. "Not that I don't love being downright dirty with you, Gisele, but you're too good not to worship."

His lips close back over mine. Stone keeps cradling my face. And he presses his cock back into me, deep, slow. He strokes long inside me and fills me up.

I feel my pussy fluttering around him. The sensation of him fucking me slow instead of our usual breakneck speed takes my breath away. It is every bit as intense. If anything it is more intense because I have the tantalizing knowledge that his massive cock is going to fill me up so good and I have time to be able to anticipate it. I'm a vessel for er every bit of pleasure he extracts from my body. I squeeze him with my inner walls. Capture him and pull him in deeper with every stroke.

We're breathing in time with each other and we're two souls as one. Wound together, inexplicably absent from everything but the rising tides between us that crash from two waves to one. Pleasure rolls through my body and I'm on the edge of everything. Aching and hopeful for everything. But I'm not insistent or begging. I'm content and thrilled, maxed out on pleasure. This is what absolute joy feels like. I have absolutely everything I've ever wanted. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight to me. I lean back on the wall and rock my legs up to pull him against me and hold him in tight with my legs. I know he's not going anywhere but my whole body has been overtaken by the singular urge to capture him, take him in and hold him close as I can. I'm enraptured by him and I obsessively need him. I'm floating through my mind and thinking nothing but thoughts of the scent of his skin, the feel of his chest pressed against me.

"I'm going to come again," Stone moans into my mouth. The taste of his words drown me and I need him. I wrap my legs around him and grind my hips against him, pulling him tight against me, keeping him in with hips and taking every last drop of his cum. The hot load inside me fills me up with his warm juices. I feel his cum roll down my thighs and mix with my own sticky arousal.

"You made a beautiful mess of me," say, my legs shaking around him as he holds me against him.

"You're always beautiful," Stone says, kissing my cheek.

"You're always cheesy but I love it," I say, kissing right next to his lips.

"I love you," Stone says, kissing my lips again.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024