Princely Passions - Page 258

“Fredrick, you need to put your seat belt on,” I say, cutting him off. I’m not about to let him finish a sentence that starts out with that ominous wording.

He huffs out a breath and buckles himself in. Suddenly, the back seat of the cab doesn’t seem nearly wide enough. Despite the fact that he’s strapped in over there and I’m strapped in over here, he’s still way too close for comfort. As if proving that fact, he reaches over and pats my knee and then leaves his hand there. “It’s really sweet of you to care about my safety like that,” he says softly, staring at me.

So I tend to have a pretty bitchy mouth, but even I can’t tell him that I could not care less if he lived or died. I finally settle on a non-committal, “Hmmm.”

Undeterred, he blunders on. “Look Ashley, when you fell on me the other day at work, I thought at first that you were just klutzy but then you finally said yes to a date with me, and so now I know that you were trying to show how much you li—”

The cab pulls to a stop and before he can say another word, I quickly unbuckle my seat belt and slide out of the cab, leaving Fredrick with the tab. After all, I let him feel me up for a whole two city blocks. Surely he can pay a cab bill.

I’m heading up the sidewalk to my apartment, fumbling through my purse for my keys; where are my goddamn keys? And then I hear him behind me.

“Ashley, wait, I wasn’t done!” he calls out. My hand closes around my keys just as his hand closes around my arm. “I really think we have something special between us,” he says, sliding up toward my tits.

Oh hell no.

“Fredrick, you’re wrong,” I say, my hand firmly wrapped around my keys…and the miniature can of mace that is attached to them. “I’m sorry, I just don’t feel anything for you.”

“Now come on,” he says in a patronizing tone of voice. “I think we both know what’s happening here. You’re just scared of what you’re feeling for me.” His hand is now on my breast and I’m pulling my can of mace out of purse and aiming it straight at his…

He’s gone, thrashing through the yew brushes lining the sidewalk, howling as he goes, and in his stead is…Apollo?



“Ashley,” I say, my palms facing toward her. “I—”

“Don’t step any closer,” she says, waving the mace can in the air menacingly. Or, at least, what I assume is supposed to be menacing. She mostly just looks like she’s doing an interpretive dance with a spray can in her hand.

“Do you really think you’re going to spray me with that thing?” I ask, a smile flirting around the edge of my lips. She really is adorable. I can hear the guy who’d attacked her yelling threats in the background but, not sparing him a glance, I simply flip him the bird. I’ll deal with him later. For now, I need to get Ashley to calm down.

And put the damn mace away.

I couldn’t believe my luck; I had come over to talk to Ash, to make her understand that I have to make these decisions, when I saw that asshat attack her. If I’d been 30 minutes later…

“You’re okay now,” I tell her, my voice calm, level, soothing. “He’s gone. You can put it away.”

“I know he’s gone!” Ashley yells at me. “Maybe I’m pointing it at you!”

I smile. “You don’t want to point it at me,” I tell her. “You’re actually excited to see me.”

“Oh, you’re so sure of that, Mister?” she asks me.

“You want my cock, Ash,” I tell her self-confidently.


It’s true.

“What?” Ashley asks, completely taken aback.

“You know how big it is,” I say with a shrug. “All the way back in Chapter 9 where I had all 12 inches inside of you.”

Now she’s looking at me funny.

But I don’t mind. I take a step closer to her and I can see the stress and panic slowly collapse, leaving a vulnerable Ashley in its place. I pull her against me and pull her up against my mouth, eager for the taste

of her on my lips. She's so fucking hot…

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024