Princely Passions - Page 299

That's when Nadia walks out of her office. I wouldn't even notice but she's wearing a really tight black skirt and blouse today and I have the feeling that she's going out after work.

A part of me is jealous that she gets to leave early to probably go to the gym and then look pretty for whatever her plans are while I sit here and work, but that's just the dues I'm paying.

Only this time, Nadia looks at me and I try not to wither under her stare.

She smiles at me and I give her like half a wave. You know, where you feel kinda awkward and raise your hand to wave but don't want to go all out?

And geez, that's one cryptic looking smile. It's like she's looking at me before I go in front of the firing squad or something.

Before long, she's out the door.

And I'm wondering how lil' old me is going to manage a meeting between a billionaire titan of Wall Street who just happens to be my boyfriend, and my Managing Director boss about illegal activity on a Private Client account.

Yeah, it's going to be a late night at work tonight.

Sigh. So much for the single life.



Three days, thirty drafts of my presentation, and ten million cups of coffee later, I walk into the reserved conference room at work to see Nadia sitting at the head of the table and Derek just sitting down.

I thought I had seen him coming in from the elevator while I was getting copies, but I hadn't said anything.

I mean, to call out his name at work would've sort of been unprofessional, you know?

That, and the fact that I haven't returned his calls for the last three days. I mean, it's not that I was avoiding him. I just didn't want to deal with a situation where he could potentially ask me about today and I'd either have to compromise my principles at work or have to tell Derek I love him but also need to think about what's best for my career.

So yeah, I guess I probably was avoiding him, huh?

Derek turns to look at me and I blush inadvertently as I feel his eyes travelling over my body. I don't know if it was intentional or what, but today is a lace underwear day.

Maybe because it makes me feel sexy? Maybe because it makes me feel older? Or the big meeting I'm hosting?

Whatever it is, today is the day that I bust out the La Perla black lace bra and thong. That just means that I had to go with the black skirt and white silk blouse that's a bit too tight around the boobs. Add some nice Tiffany's earrings and a sterling silver pendant and some makeup and throw on a suit coat and I'm so uber professional that after this meeting is over I'm going to go pose once or twice in the bathroom in front of the mirror.

But if Derek had his way, he'd probably throw me on the conference table and rip off my clothes. That's how hungrily dude is staring at me.

And he's not bad looking either, you know? The guy is in a tailored double-breasted dark suit that is cut so well that there is absolutely no hiding how gorgeous of a body he has. Those cut pecs that are sculpted in such a way that you can run your tongue down the crease of his upper chest. Those 8-pack abs. Ohmigosh. Talk about the last thing you need to be thinking about right before a meeting.

Somehow, and again chica, I don't know how, I manage to calmly pull out the chair and sit down.

I clear my throat and am about to dive in, when...

"Actually, Alicia, I think it's best if I start," Nadia says. Her tone is cold and impersonal and I cock my head. "I think it's better if you simply answer the questions as they're posed to you.

"Okay," I say, a bit puzzled.

"I need to ask you some very difficult questions about Derek Lowell's account right now," Nadia says, her face impassive.

I nod.

Why is my heart rate suddenly increasing?

"Three months ago, attorneys for Mr. Lowell reached out to our Legal & Compliance division because they were concerned about some odd activity taking place in his account," Nadia says and as I listen to her I see the door open and one of the lawyers, a Thomas Wright, from Legal walk in. "We've been conducting an internal investigation and we believe that you've been embezzling money from the account, Alicia."


Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024