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Princely Passions

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“All right, you guys, I need your advice, seriously,” I say, swirling my gin and tonic around endlessly in my hand. “I know I agreed to fuck Anders and that we can keep our…” I wave my hand around in the air, in imminent danger of spilling my drink, “bedroom relationship and our professional relationship separate, but damn…I just hate this. What kind of future UN ambassador uses her body to get her start at the UN?”

“Well,” Natalie says contemplatively, “are you actually doing that? What does Anders say?”

“That he can separate our relationships in his head, and judge my application on its merits,” I say miserably, staring down into my drink.

“I know I wouldn’t be able to keep my desire to wrap my lips around his cock and the fact that he was my professor separate in my mind,” Kim puts in. I glare at her, really not wanting to hear that answer. She ignores that look. “Okay, tell the truth now – you guys are fucking now, right?”

I nod, a giant grin spreading across my face. “Ohhhhh yeahhhh,” I sigh happily. At least that part isn’t complicated. Anders Trask’s dick? Yes please.

“Is it as big as we thought it’d be?” Kim asks, leaning forward, her eyes sparkling with lust. I have to quell a momentary feeling of jealousy. Of course Kim would be drooling over Anders. Any woman with a pulse would be. It didn’t mean Anders was drooling over her.

I let a grin spread across my face as answer and Kim squeals. “I knew it! I knew it!” she crowed. “How big? C’mon, show us.”

I hesitated for just a second, but c’mon, who was I fooling? I couldn’t keep that kind of shit from my besties. I spread my hands apart, indicating the length of his delicious cock and Kim’s eyes widened. “How does that fit in you?” she breathed in shock.

“Oh, it fits,” Natalie says with a naughty grin.

“Oh my god, you too??” Kim says, laughing, and Natalie’s grin only widened. We grinned at each other and clinked glasses together in celebration.

“I want my own foot-long-dick-wielding fuckmaster,” Kim says, looking back and forth between us, pouting.

“Someday,” Natalie says, throwing her arm around Kim’s shoulders and giving her a squeeze. “And when you do, you too will have a hard time walking some mornings.”

I snort, remembering yesterday morning. Yeah, that’s about right.

“So, back to the important shit,” Natalie says, shifting her focus back to me. “I know that Anders thinks that he can keep things separate in his head, but do you really think that’s possible if he’s getting into your purple silky thong every night?”

I stick my tongue out at her. I actually don’t have a purple silky thong, only a lace one. Hmmm…Victoria Secret time. I bet Anders would love to pull that off with his teeth and then kiss his way up my…


I jerk my head and look at Natalie, who’s just snapped her fingers in front of my face.

“Earth to Christine,” she says in a sing-song voice.

I stick my tongue out at her again. She ignores it again.

What are best friends for, after all?

“I really don’t know about this,” she says thoughtfully. “It does seem like using your body to get into a program all based on ethics is a bit…questionable.”

“But I’m not using my body! He’s told me so.” But inside, I’m dying a little. Because Natalie is saying everything that I’ve been worried about.

Everything that has been bothering me, even if it doesn’t seem to be bothering Anders.

“I’m just going to have to bring it up with him. Again,” I mumble into my gin and tonic.

No matter how much I didn’t want to.



“Home sweet home,” Anders says, opening up the door with a grand gesture in front of me.

Like Cinderella first walking into her prince’s castle, I enter slowly, my mouth agape. It was…gorgeous.

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