12 Inches (Size Matters 1) - Page 30

While Aidan and I are kissing, Mistress Strokes wraps her lips around one of my nipples and starts sucking. She then moves her tongue from my right breast to the left one, licking my cum-coated skin dry.

I sigh heavily as Aidan joins her, both their tongues running up and down my body in a frenzied dance. I run my fingers through their hair, my eyes closed as I savor the moment.

If our book is half as good as what’s going on in my life, it’s going to be a fucking bestseller, I think to myself.

And it’s true, isn’t it? My life—and all the sex I’m having—is the best inspiration anyone could have.



“Cheryl, I think you’re freaking out over nothing, babe,” Abby says into the speakerphone.

She’s lying next to me in bed. We’re naked and I’m looking at her beautiful and slender back as she takes this call from Cheryl.

Cheryl for her part is on speakerphone and doing what she does fucking best—worry about Abby.

I mean, I completely fucking understand where Cheryl comes from. I’m probably a full time job for CJ as well.

“Okay, well I’ll have the girls go pimp the teasers out in the groups,” Cheryl says out loud over speakerphone. “And the bloggers are still clamoring to get an interview with you.”

“I know, I know, and I have it on the list,” Abby says and I can’t help myself, I reach over and grab her ass. I squeeze her ass cheek and she wriggles her body, bringing it closer to mine until it’s writhing against me.

Oh fucking yes, that’s the way I like it.

I bend over and kiss her neck and I can hear her voice shudder.

It’s a well deserved kiss. The book is fucking out.

Boy, did it have a launch.

Went out four days ago. We hit PUBLISH together. Then fucked like rabbits for hours to celebrate.

It’s tearing up the charts right now. Broke in at #1200 on the Rainforest Paid Store and it shot up like a rocket. It took less than a day for Big Dick to shoot past the 500 point.

This morning, it was hovering around #126.

“Cheryl, I think I’m going to need to go, babe,” Abby squeaks, her entire body trembling as my powerful arms hold her body in place. She can feel my cock. It’s alive. It’s leaking for her. It’s ready to devour her. After everything we’ve been throug

h, Abby knows to batten the hatches and get everything ready for the storm that’s about to come.

And to be honest, you can’t blame me for wanting to fuck this woman after what we’ve been through.

The last week was more work than I ever thought possible.

That tiny body – tiny when compared to me, at least – is capable of so much fucking work. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t fucking seen it with my own two eyes. From writing chapters, to dealing with editors. To working with me on the chapters that I was writing. Getting our stories straight. Making sure the storyline was consistent. Dealing with the art folks in getting the cover all squared away.

By the time the week was over and it was time to go to launch, I swear I was fucking exhausted. Abby didn’t look like she was ready to stop.

“I love this game so much,” she told me one night after we put away the chapters and I brought Chinese food. We were eating it on the couch as Abby’s phone went off the hook with all the work that Cheryl was lining up for publicity. “I don’t think there’s anything else I’d rather be doing with my life.”

“What did you do before?” I asked her. It’s true. I had only ever known Abby Cleveland from her books. We’d never really talked in the month or so that we were collaborating on what we did before.

“I used to work on Wall Street,” Abby said to me that evening. “At Carter Jeffries.”

Shit. Even I knew what Carter Jeffries was. One of the most preeminent fucking investment banks in the world. They didn’t suffer fools, that’s for damn sure.

“Nice,” I remember saying to her.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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