12 Inches (Size Matters 1) - Page 32

But Abby doesn’t have a big publishing house behind her anymore. She’s got just herself. And me.

So we’re gonna have to do the best we can on our own to stay up in the Top 100 Books being sold on the Rainforest store.

“Hey, Mister,” Abby says, turning over and getting on her elbows to put her head on my chest. “You were doing something while I was talking to Cheryl and now you’ve stopped!”

I look at her face. It’s fucking cute as a button. She’s looking at me with wide eyes.

“What was that now?” I ask her, my mouth curling in a smile.

She scrunches her face and lifts her body. I watch her perfect fucking tits as they dangle in front of my face as she gets on top of me.

“Looks like I’ll have to show you what you were getting ready to do there,” she says with fake annoyance. “Figures. Just like the book, you’re going to make me do all the work and be first in line when the rewards come.”

I bring my hands over to grab her ass as she straddles me. God, she’s fucking gorgeous.

“Well, there’s one thing you know for sure,” I tell her and she looks at me curiously.

“You’re gonna fucking cum, for sure.”

Abby smiles at me and I smile back. That’s the last thing I remember before she brings her body down and her mouth mashes against mine for a wet and sloppy kiss. After that moment, I’m in paradise.

With this girl, it seems like the only place to be.



"I don't think so," I say, running on the treadmill. I up the speed of the machine, trying hard to beat my personal best pace.

I can't help it. I'm a competitive person.

I can feel sweat trickling down the ridges of my chest, as I focus on the rhythmic falling of my feet. Why does CJ always want to have these talks during my workout sessions? Can't I ever fucking workout in peace anymore?

All I want is one uninterrupted session.

"C'mon, you and Abby work so well together!" she pleads. "There's an undeniable chemistry. You should really consider collaborating on more projects. Just think about it … you two can create a whole series of books! You can create an empire!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I say, increasing my pace on the treadmill a little bit more.

"Think about it; you two can take over the market," CJ replies. I can tell she's excited about something when her hands become animated, and right now, as she's speaking, her hands are flying around her face faster than little hummingbirds. Strange. Why have I never noticed how small her hands were before?

"That's a little dramatic, don't you think?" I say.

"Not if it's the truth, Aidan."

"You and I both know that I agreed to one book, and one book only. That's it. I kept my word, and now it's time for me move on to other things."

"Why do you feel as if you need to chase something new? Why not stay where things are working? And don't you agree that one book paid off?" CJ replies.

"Sure, the book did well," I shrug.

"Did well? It did more than well—it did excellent! I'd say you have a natural talent. And besides, I thought things were going well with you and Abby."

I keep running; I don't know where exactly I want to go from here, and I really don't know what to say to CJ for a moment, but I turn toward her and say the first thing that pops into my head.

"Things are going well, but Abby's the author, not me."

"Co-author. Don't kid yourself," she replies. "You were an integral part of that book."

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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