12 Inches (Size Matters 1) - Page 73

“You’re nothing more than an orphan that I bought with my credibility. You’re more like a window dressing for me. Never forget that,” he says to me, looking me in the eyes, telling me he’s deadly serious.

He turns, having gotten the last word.

And with that, he’s gone.



I curl my arms in another set of bicep exercises and watch my movements in the mirror. I look good. I don't fucking care how vain you think I am. I'll admit it. It's no wonder I've banged nearly every type of woman there is—co-eds, professors, housewives, and even the President's daughter, which I now sort of regret.

Besides, after the last two days since Jocelyn’s birthday, I need to clear my head.

We’ve been fucking too close to the fucking fire. Twice. The first time, I could understand. Her fight or flight response was kicking in and she was going through adrenaline after her close call. I was there.

The second time, on her birthday. That was a fucking different animal. We kissed. And held each other fucking close.

No, I fucking need to shake myself of her.

I look around the gym at the odd mix of people. Even though this gym offers up a strange, and sometimes annoying blend of gym goers, I never miss a day of working out. Let's face it; you don't get the ripped body of a gladiator by just sitting around, right? I'm a fucking machine, and I plan to keep it that way. As I'm curling my rock-hard muscles, I overhear a couple of teenagers next to me.

"No way. Steroids are expensive. You know what you need bro?"

"What?" the other kid asks.

"You need some McDonald's in your life."

"Now you're trippin'."

"Here me out. I'm not kidding. Just eat the chicken nuggets every day. There's a lot of growth hormones in those nuggets; it's borderline unnatural. Those chickens are all breast and no legs and shit. It's an easy way to get steroids. I'm telling you."

I chuckle a little as I hear their conversation, and then my eyes immediately fall on a group of women standing a few feet to my left. I overhear them talking too.

"I don't like lifting weights. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my breasts," she says, slightly massaging them with her fingertips.

"That's a misconception. Weight lifting is one of the best ways to stay in shape. You don't want BMI problems, do you?"

"Girl, I definitely don't have BMI problems! I've got 99 problems but my ass sure as hell isn't one of them."

When she says that, I can't help but check her ass out. She's right. Her ass is nice. Not as nice as Jocelyn's ass, but still nice. Shit. There I go again. I really need to stop thinking about my dad's wife—my stepmom. But I can't. She's way hotter than I ever expected. But my mind is jolted back to reality when I overhear some of the worst pick-up lines that I think I've ever heard in my life.

From a sweaty, hairy-chested middle-aged guy on the bench press to a woman nearby: "We should train together because I hear it's good for bone density."

And then from another man: "My personal trainer told me I had to come talk to you."

This line seems to work for a minute because the woman stops, and gives him a confused look, and then the man continues, "He said I should talk to you for a few minutes as part of my routine. If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you share your training regimen with me?" And then it dawns on her that this guy is talking out of his ass, and she walks away. I swear, these men are clueless—it's embarrassing. And you know what? That's fine because it gives me a leg up. They should watch me in action and learn a thing or two. I decide to do one more rep before leaving, and as I reach for the weight, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see her. That perfect outline of the female body could only be one person. It's Jocelyn.

"Hey stranger," she says. "What are the chances? I had no idea you worked out at this gym."

She's being cordial, and I appreciate that. She could've easily seen me, and quickly slipped out the back door, or at least out of sight.

"I guess New York isn't so big after all," I shrug with a smile.

"It might not be as big as some things," she replies, and I swear she takes a quick glance at my cock. Did that really just happen, or am I imagining it?

Are we really going to go down this road a third time?

"I guess you could say that," I say, deciding to play along.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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