12 Inches (Size Matters 1) - Page 141

“I need my shirt back,” he murmurs, unbuttoning it slowly, kissing me as he moves down my stomach. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“No-oo-ooh,” I stutter, throwing my head back and closing my eyes in ecstasy. God, his tongue felt amazing. He reached my pussy, darting his tongue between my lips and I groan and—

He steps back, a big smile on his face. “Glad to hear it,” he says cheerfully, walking up the stairs to get the rest of his shit from my bedroom.

I throw the kitchen towel at him but even I’ll admit that it hit with a very unsatisfying pfft.

He laughs all the way up the stairs.



I shift in my seat, surprised by how anxious I am to see Lisa again. I’ve never had a woman get under my skin like this before, and I’m not entirely sure that I like it. I mean, I like the fucking—there’s never a question about that—but it’s this…emotional attachment to her that’s getting to me. If the guys could see me now, as excited as a schoolboy over seeing a girl, they’d laugh their asses off at me.

And I’d deserve it. But...

I shift uncomfortably again. I can’t seem to help myself. And that’s what really gets to me.

Where are you?

She texts back quickly.

Just getting out of the Plaza.

Even better—that’s close by. I tell Antoine to head to the corner of 5th Avenue and 59th Street, and then go back to texting Lisa.

I’ll pick you up near the Grand Army Plaza and then we can go somewhere.

Like, my bed.

Like your MC clubhouse?

God, she’s a brat.

If you really like sucking a lot of cock, then su—

I glance up idly, movement catching my eye, and I see Lisa. She's being mugged. Some jackass is ripping her purse right off her shoulder.

“Stop!” I yell at the driver and throw myself out of the Rolls, not waiting for it to come to a stop, and I’m running in front of an oncoming truck and I fucking don’t care, I’m diving toward the guy’s kneecaps and taking him down, hitting the sidewalk with a sickeningly satisfying crunch.

“Oh man! What’d you do that for—”

You know what else has a sickeningly satisfying crunch? Noses.


nbsp; And balls.

Just in case jackholes like this think they should be procreating, I took care of that urge, for a little while anyway.

I roll off the moaning man who grabbing his nose and his dick at the same time, and pick up Lisa’s purse.

“Oh my god, thank you,” she says, slinging her purse over her shoulder before checking me over for cuts and scrapes. I spot the thief trying to crawl away and I kick him, landing a blow to his kneecap that sends him howling and collapsing in pain.

But as focused as Lisa is on my injuries, I’m looking her over too.

“Are you okay?” I ask quietly, stroking the hair out of her face. I can see the shock has begun to set in and her eyes are glazing over now. “Some people just don’t know how to stay down,” I add in an equally quiet, loving voice, as I kick out at the jackass who’d dared to try to crawl away again. I didn’t break eye contact with Lisa the whole time, even as the thief is collapsing with pain onto the ground.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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