12 Inches (Size Matters 1) - Page 143

“That’s two pairs of pants that I owe you,” she mumbles, leaning back against the jetted tub, boneless as a baby.

“I think I can handle the bill.”

I take a handful of aspirin, shuck my clothes, and then begin to work on bathing Lisa. Starting with her toes, I run soapy hands up her corded calves and over her gorgeous knees.

Diesel, you know you have it bad when you think someone’s knees are cute.

I ignore that voice and work my way up to her pussy, running my hands around the outer lips, teasing her, and then up her stomach.

“Ooohhh…” she groans in disappointment, her eyes still closed, as I leave her pussy behind. I grin to myself. Teasing Lisa is just about the most fun one can have legally.

I slide up to her full tits, running my thumbs across the pink tips, watching them pucker under my touch.

“Ooohhh, yes,” she groans happily.

I slide back down to her pussy, this time slipping my fingers inside of her and across her clit.

“Oh yes!” she says, her back arching as I begin rubbing her.



Ever since I met Diesel, my life became a crazy succession of events. It was all fun and games, but now… Something has changed, and I’m not really sure what. Maybe it’s the adrenaline talking but, somehow, I know that isn’t it.

There I was, walking down the sidewalk, texting him and thinking back to how good everything is whenever I’m around him, and then bam! I’m getting robbed. And, just like a scene out of a comic book, Diesel jumps out from a moving car and crashes his fist against the man’s face, saving me just in time.

I barely remember what happened after that; all I know is that Diesel picked me up, and how his strong arms felt around me. In that moment I felt … something. I felt protected, I felt comfortable and I felt… love

d? No, it can’t be.

But now, my naked body covered by warm water and Diesel’s hand sliding over my skin, I can’t shake off that feeling. It feels right with him; it feels perfect, as if all the stars in the firmament have finally aligned. Somehow, what started just as lust has evolved into something far more powerful.

“Feels good?” he asks, sliding his finger deep inside my pussy and pressing it against my G-spot. I look into his eyes, smiling shyly, and just nod. It feels good, indeed, more than he will ever know.

Pressing harder on that sweet spot, he rests his thumb over my clit and starts massaging it, shards of pleasure making their way toward my brain. A small timid moan falls from my lips and I throw my head back, resting it against the edge of the tub as I surrender to Diesel’s fingers. He keeps on working me until my moans grow fiercer, and eventually they just turn into a long drawn out scream of ecstasy.

My pussy tightens up around his fingers, my muscles twitching slightly as I come.

“It feels so good,” I moan, opening my eyes and looking back at him. The flames of ecstasy are lapping at my muscles, and I feel like a burning piece of coal, combusting into ash.

“I know,” he responds, taking his fingers out from my pussy and stepping inside the tub. My eyes roam over his naked body as he sits behind me, lacing my waist with his arms and pulling me close to him. He runs his fingers through my hair, slowly massaging my scalp, and lays one gentle kiss on my neck. “You’re safe now,” he whispers, and I believe him. “I'll never let anything happen to you.”

“Is that what you say to every girl you rescue from evil?” I tease him, feeling his hard shaft pressing against my lower back.

“Yeah…” he says, his lips brushing against the contour of my right ear. “But with you, I really mean it.”

With a smile, I throw my hand back and, placing it on his knee, I slide it toward his crotch. In an instant my heart starts to race fast, pumping blood and desire to my aching pussy. I become wetter and desperate for more as Diesel takes his hands to my breasts and squeezes them softly, making me moan again. He pinches both my nipples at the same time, pressing on them tightly, and my head starts to spin.

I feel his cock brushing against my knuckles, so I just turn my hand around and go for it. I run my index finger over his cock, tracing its contour with my fingertip and pushing him toward the edge of insanity. He pinches my nipples more harshly, his cock pulsing against me. Unable to resist him, I curl my fingers around his shaft, making it pulse harshly, and then start flicking my wrist.

I lean back against him, my eyelids drooping as I stroke him softly. Then, leaning into me, he lays his lips against my neck. I turn around, going on my knees, and just go for his mouth: the moment our lips touch, it’s like an explosion has just happened inside my mind, and the desire I’m feeling right now becomes the center of the universe.

I gently nibble at his lower lip, but I never stop stroking his cock, my hand going faster and faster with each passing second, making the water splash around us. With my eyes closed, I surrender to the avalanche of sensations that invade my brain, and I just let go of his cock and get up, standing in front of him. It’s time now; I need his mouth, and I need it right now.

I place one leg on the edge of the tub and, reaching for his hair, I grab it and pull him into me. He doesn’t resist, and allows me to guide his mouth to where I need it. I start thrusting with my hips, but Diesel takes his time; with one hand on my waist and the other grabbing my ass, he controls my movements, stopping me from moving at a crazy pace.

He moves patiently, licking the whole length of my pussy, his tongue gently nestled between my folds and moving up and down. Each time he hits the top, he circles around my clit, the way he does it driving me completely crazy with burning lust. He doesn’t torture me much longer, a few seconds later, he places both hands on my ass and pulls me into him, my pussy pressed tight against his mouth. He devours me like a mad consumed by an insatiable hunger, his tongue flicking at me with a fury and quickness that makes my whole body buzz with pleasure.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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