12 Inches (Size Matters 1) - Page 157

I jump off Moonshine and he jerks to a stop, this part of the ride working like it always does. Usually, we're roping cattle, but today, I guess we're just roping bad guys instead. I know that Moonshine won't move an inch while I work to tie up the bad guy. I can hear people around me, either calling it into 911 or taping me on their phones, and I just know that I'm gonna hit the evening news.

Well hell, maybe more people will show up for the Madison Square Garden rodeo then, right? A bigger crowd is never a bad thing.

I trot on over to Jackass and pull the purse out of his hands.

"Slow down there, Paco," I tell him, holding my hands up toward him, trying to calm him down. "It's gonna be fine. Why don't you just sit there for a minute while the men in blue work their way over to–"

"You motherfucking asshole!" Sexy New York Girl yells, bursting into our circle.

And that's when she lets loose with the mace spray.

To keep reading Carla Vs. Cowboy, click here!

Also by Alexis Angel

Wicked Lil’ Brat

Man Chaser

Red & Blue


Client 5



Men of the House

My Naughty Angels

I want to take a moment to thank a group of very special ladies in my life. Without them I would be nowhere so when I say I feel blessed to have them part of my life, I mean that this book would probably not be possible without the love and support that they give me.

These ladies are my Naughty Angels. At the end of each night, I know I can fly back to the nest that we’ve created together. I’d like to take a moment to thank all of them individually.

Ida Jolley: I just wanna hug Ida and bury my face in her and then sit with her and veg out drinking scotch and watching Jersey Shore lol. She’s got such a good heart and she says whatever she thinks that I always wake up and wonder with curiosity what Ida’s been up to. Love you babe.

Joyce Walker: Joyce is the enforcer, lol. At first I was a bit scared of her because she has such a strong personality. But it comes from a place of love and nowadays I feel so safe and protected knowing that Joyce is behind me watching out for me. God bless this woman who makes me feel so comfortable and that I always know I can go run to if someone is mean to me.

Lisa Boltiador: Is like my owl. I have more inside jokes with Lisa than I ever thought I would have with anyone. Just for Lisa, I’m going to say the following words. Anus. Buttocks. Owl. Old. Speculator. I can go days without talking to her, but like any sister, I can pick up again. Lisa is my brain in terms of the advice and wisdom she imparts - but she will always have a piece of my heart.

Carla Roman: Carla is quiet, but when she speaks it is prescient, correct, and worth listening to. I know to myself that if Carla suggests I do something, that I should do it. I love Carla because she was there from the beginning, and I would give her anything she asked (or try), but she never presupposes to. Always caring. Always giving. Because Carla knows what she’s talking about, I always listen. If she didn’t she wouldn’t be saying it.

Christine Raine Jalili: Is like a mini-Facebook by herself. When I’m tired she’s there for me. When I have questions on what to do and it needs a quick answer, I ask her. If I ever need to round up people, the first person I think of going to is Christine. I have very rarely seen someone who is such a harder worker or dives in as much as she does.

Michele VonCannon: Need something to pick up your day? Need a consp

irator to do something fun with? Maybe something racy to get you all tingly? Want to be naughty? Want a partner in crime? Michele is the one that I turn to. I’m sometimes not sure if we can do something or not - Michele will do it. I love her for the amount of…stuff she’s shared and how she makes our chats lively. I wanna call her CQ; but I’m not gonna tell you why.

Kim Lubbers: Kim is a sweetheart. She’s quiet, but when she does say stuff it’s always helpful and sweet and funny and naughty and cute. I love Kim because she’s always solidly behind you. She doesn’t need a lot of words to express herself. You know just from her presence that she’s behind you. That she has your back. Its worth more than anything anyone will ever know and I’m grateful.

Brittney Ketchum: This is my naughty girl! The one I can come to and share all the dirty things I do, think about, want to do, or whatever. Brittney is right there. I joke with her that we’re holding hands on a fast train to…well, never mind ;) But I love joking and talking and laughing and playing with Brittney. She’s so open and I can be so openly sexual - not having to worry about anything what society says.

Cheryl Maddox: Knows me perhaps better than anyone else. Has brought me back from the brink in the past. I place my faith and my trust in this woman. She works entirely too hard as a PA dealing with 9 squacking girls in our group, but somehow she manages to keep us in line. Most people have a PA to post stuff or enter them in contests. Cheryl is too valuable for that. Her best contribution is her counsel. I will never do anything without asking her opinion. I think I used to be sad because I never had a sister in real life, but no longer since Cheryl found me so long ago.

Andrea Finnazo and Lesley Ellis: I love her. Can you believe when they first came to me it was to correct me on something? But I recognized their potential, and snapped them right up. The rest is amazing history.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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