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Man Juice

Page 24

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I decide to take the conversation in a different direction. “So, what suddenly changed your mind?”

I examine her as I sip my glass of pinot noir.

Molly swallows her bite of cranberry cocktail. “Change my mind about what?”

“You know, what was the selling point that incited you to call me after all and take me up on my offer?”

“You want to know why I’m interested in you?” Molly laughs.

“Now I feel like you’re trying to avoid answering the question,” I tease and raise an eyebrow at her.

“No, it’s not like that at all.” Molly shakes her head in denial, then shrugs. “I wanted to take a risk.”

I smile. “I guess you’re telling me that I’m that risk?’

“Right.” Molly winks at me and sips her wine. “This food is fucking delicious, by the way,” she admits. “Sorry, I know I’m being rude by talking with my mouth full.”

She covers her lips with her hand.

“It’s fine,” I say and stare at her.

“What?” She asks and gives me a self-conscious look.

“Nothing,” I say. “It’s just…well, you’re ridiculously beautiful. Like how is it even fair to the other women out there?”

Molly rolls her eyes. “What a line!”

“It’s not!” I say defensively. “You are gorgeous, and you need to be told often.”

“Okay,” she grins. “I don’t mind a compliment.”

“So, I’m going to ask the million-dollar question,” I begin.


Molly places her fork gently on her plate and wraps the blankets tighter around her waist. I know she’s about to let herself be vulnerable.

“Why the fuck are you still single?”

Molly doesn’t answer right away. She looks up at the ceiling, then back at me.

“I ask myself the very same question all the time,” she chuckles. “Not all men can handle me. I guess that’s part of the problem.”

“What do you mean?” I shake my head.

“You know…because of the fact that I’m a business-oriented woman and all…” She trails off and cuts into her steak again.

“You’re all business in the bed, that’s for sure.” I wink at her.

“Is everything all sex all the time with you?” She teases with a grin on her face.

“Yeah, pretty much.” I opt for honesty here.

“It was pretty great,” she says and gazes dreamily into space as if she’s recounting it in her head.

“So, am I worth the risk?” I toss her a playful yet mischievous smile.

“So far, so good,” she responds and bites her bottom lip.

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