Man Juice - Page 43

“Well I’m sure he appreciates your praise, too,” she offers, and I feel even closer to Molly now. She’s so gracious and caring, so unlike any of the other girls I’ve dated before.

Are we even technically dating? I’m too afraid to ask.

What the fuck am I talking about? Owen Wolfe is never afraid of fucking anything. I need to get my head checked.

“Probably, but he’ll be the first to remind me if I forget,” I joke and wink at her.

“You’re still the man behind the curtain,” she says in a reminding tone, dripping with unlimited compliments to apparently shower directly my way.

I take a sip of my mimosa, and it’s so fucking good I wish the taste could linger in my mouth forever.

“You mean like the Wizard of Oz?” I tease.

“Maybe…” Molly shrugs. “Sort of, only less creepy and definitely with less eyebrow scare.” She laughs along with me.

I feel like I’m floating on a fucking cloud. Molly’s heart is genuine. She’s not out for my money; she’s got plenty to spend on her own.

Her beauty is as evident as it was on the first day I met her, but the glow of her surrounding passion fills me more with each day I spend with her.

I know, I’m growing sappy, aren’t I? Maybe that’s the only thing I’m really afraid of.

“I have to admit something to you,” I say with a beating heart, because I’m not used to being vulnerable.

“What?” Molly chews and looks at me quizzically.

“Before I started this film company, failure was always imminently pressing on my mind. I thought I’d try it out and bomb miserably. I just knew the day would come where I’d have to crawl back to my parents and beg them to help me.” I can’t believe I’m fucking admitting this to her.

“That day never came, did it?” Molly’s eyes twinkle and she grins.

“No, thankfully,” I sigh and lean back in my chair, feeling full. “I gave up a long time ago on trying to please them. The fear of disappointing doctors is huge when you just so happen to be the son of two of them,” I chuckle.

“You don’t have to tell me what it’s like to be a disappointment to parents.” Molly rolls her eyes and scoffs bitterly.

“I hate to say it, but I’m actually happy we have that in common,” I laugh.

“If I can give you any tips on that,” I point a kind finger, “it’s that if you spend your entire life trying to live up to the potential that they place for you, then you’re living their life, not your own.” I say.

Molly’s eyes light up as if I’m telling her the secrets to the universe. “Oh my God, you are totally right,” she says and stares off into space as if she’s digesting this new information.

“I aim to please.” I grin and shrug my shoulders. “The industry I’m creating isn’t the most ideal, but I’m proud of where we’ve come from and where we are heading in the future,” I admit.

“You should be.” Molly gives me a warm smile.

“Ready to head back to the Avalo

n?” I ask after I pay the bill.

“I’m ready when you are,” Molly says. We walk out of the restaurant together, only this time it’s hand in hand.



There are many moments in life where you simply react. It’s almost as though your body has a mind of its own, and all you can do is ride in the backseat until you regain control again. That’s how I feel right now staring at Molly’s amazing body as we take the back elevator up to my penthouse. I have a reason for this.

Her clothing perfectly adheres to her curves, and I move in for a kiss. For a moment, I almost forget I need to breathe as I pull back just for a second to get some air before going back in to kiss Molly.

She doesn’t miss a beat. She shoots her hand into my pants and grabs my cock, massaging it between with her fingers.

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024