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Man Juice

Page 52

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“Here you go, man.” He extends his hand to reveal my beloved Gold Card.

“What the fuck is this about?” I ask with confusion. I don’t take the card at first, afraid this is some sort of fucking trap.

“This is for you. We’re officially reinstating you as of today,” Jay says and wiggles the card in his hand, beckoning me to take it.

I stare at him, then the card, then back at him.

“Are you going to fucking take the damn thing or what?” Jay chuckles.

I nod and grab the card before Jay can change his mind. I look over at Victor, whose expression doesn’t reveal that he has any fucking clue what’s going on either.

“This isn’t a joke?” I raise an eyebrow and look to Jay for solid confirmation.

“Nope, dead serious,” Jay says and nods, leaning over on his elbows.

“Why?” I ask the pressing question.

Victor begins to bounce in his seat, interrupting Jay from answering. “This is fucking badass, man.” He’s really hyped up, I can tell.

“What?” I laugh and look at him.

“You know,” he playfully slaps my upper arm, “this is like a true miracle. You’re getting your card back just in time for your date with Crystal!”

Victor high fives me, and I glance back at Jay, who’s just staring at us like we are a couple of dipshits. He’s not entirely wrong about that.

“So?” I ask expectantly.

“What?” Jay shrugs and looks between me and Victor.

“Why did you guys change your mind? Why are you giving me my card back?” I twirl the card between my thumb and index finger. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m super stoked to get it back.” I grin at him.

“I just want to know who to thank,” I chuckle.

Jay takes a deep breath and stands up.

“We got a call from ‘above.’” He even fucking uses air quotes.

He moves to the door. “Bye, fellas, I’ll let myself out.” Jay casts us a wave.

“Bye.” Victor waves back and grins at me.

“That’s all you are going to give me?” I shout back to Jay. “Come on, not even a little clue?”

Jay opens the door and leaves, closing it shut tight behind him.

“This is so awesome, dude!” Victor gives me a congratulatory slap on the back.

I absentmindedly place the card on the table, paying it no attention. I don’t even fucking care what it represents right now, and the fact that I have it back means jack shit to me at this point.

I stare at it blankly, not saying a word.

“Uh, Owen…?” I hear Victor calling my name. “You okay in there, buddy?”

He gives me a quizzical look.

“I’m fine.” I shrug. “Want to go back to drinking in your basement?”

Victor looks at me as if I’m losing my shit.

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