Man Juice - Page 54

“Look, Owen, I know you’re conflicted, but everything will work out. You can always apologize to Molly later.”

“That’s a good point,” I say, but I wonder if it’s a lost cause. I fucked up royally with Molly.

“So, are you going to redeem your prize?” Victor grins mischievously.

“Maybe we should switch roles,” I joke. Sometimes I think that maybe Victor is more adventurous than me and that he’s just trapped.

“Fuck you,” he laughs.

“I guess I’ll keep my date,” I say, still a little wary.

“They reinstated your membership. It’s a sign from the universe.” Victor nods proudly, as if he holds the key to all the answers.

“Okay, okay, don’t twist my arm. I’ll go see Crystal,” I laugh, teasing him.

“Excellent choice, my man,” Victor states


I just wish my heart was all the fucking way in it for Crystal. Although I’m hoping maybe once I see her, everything will become crystal clear. Maybe I can get my head on straight, stop pining over a girl. Because that’s not me, not by a fucking long shot.

Still, as I leave Victor’s Molly’s is the only face I see.



My feet feel like they have heavy lead balloons stuck to them as I walk the familiar tiles of the Expose Club.

A few minutes ago, when all the comforting sounds and smells of the club hit me, for a brief moment, I felt like I was where I belonged. I straightened my shoulders and thought, I’m king of this place, and I’m getting ready to show everyone who’s around to witness it as I earn my metaphorical crown…

But then it turned out to be…not that many.

The place is surprisingly dead, but then when I glance at my watch I realize that it’s still early afternoon.

My heart pounds in my chest as I approach the attendant who is in charge of pairing up the talent with the men on their schedule.

“Hello,” I say with an air of confidence as I walk up to the stand.

“Good afternoon.” The receptionist is a thin woman with long silky black hair. I don’t recognize her and wonder if she’s new to the club. Her name tag reads ‘Heather.’

I clear my throat. “I’m, um, here for my date with Crystal.”

“Crystal?” The woman asks for confirmation, and I nod my head adamantly.

“Yes, my name is Owen Wolfe. I should be on her booking calendar for this month.”

“Hmm, let me see.” Heather glances at a computer as her hair falls softly over the side of her face.

I begin to sweat, wondering if my name is no longer in the system because of my temporary ban. It’s only been a couple of hours since Jay lifted my suspension, so I have no fucking idea what to expect, but I remain hopeful and calm.

“Is everything alright?” I can’t take the uncertainty anymore, and I have to ask.

Heather clicks onto another screen. “Let me just see here…” she whispers and trails off.

“Do I have the date wrong?” I begin to doubt myself and my memory.

“Oh, here you are!” Heather chimes and then beams up at me. “Congratulations, I see you in the system, and you have the all-clear.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024