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Man Juice

Page 57

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“How are you doing?” Harry inflects.

I try to snap out of it. “Good.” I nod my head. “Really good.”

I bring my water glass up to my mouth and take a swig of the refreshing drink.

“Are you sure about that?” Harry chuckles as if the fucking asshole has me all figured out.

“I’m okay,” I insist firmly and take a bite of my salmon.

“One of my friends mentioned to me that you’re a frequent flyer at The Avalon lately.” Harry smirks.

I gulp, but don’t reveal my poker face. “Who’s your friend?”

“Nobody.” Harry shrugs.

I know it’s a lost cause to try to smoke that information out of him.

“Well, I’m glad you care enough about me to have a spy check in on my daily activities,” I say with smug satisfaction.

“Well, what’s it about?” Harry presses, never being one for restricting abilities or knowing when to fucking quit. I swear, he doesn’t have that gene in his body where he cares about discretion or getting embarrassed over anything.

I fucking wish I could live my own life with that mentality, but I’m not about to admit that to him or anyone else, let alone with my father in the room.

“Maybe you should mind your own fucking business,” I state firmly.

“Language, Molly,” my father reprimands me as if I’m a child. He hasn’t spoken up until this moment.

“Oh, come off your moral high horse, Daddy,” I retort, knowing he’s no saint.

“I’m just trying to make friendly conversation,” Harry says defensively as if his pressing questions are no big deal, which of course, to him, they aren’t.

“It’s not even worth mentioning.” I shrug, trying to downplay my time at the Avalon as nothing. “So, how are things with you?” I ask, desperate to change the damn subject from me already.

I’m the unofficial black sheep of this family, and I take any opportunity I can to cast the limelight on someone else?if it suits me.

“Things are great with me,” Harry boasts proudly.

“Good for you.” I nod and take a bite of my salad.

“I should be into work tomorrow and the rest of the week,” Harry notes as if I should fucking get on my knees and praise him for taking the initiative to hold interest in his job.

“I’m glad to see you making an effort.” I give him a forced smile.

I notice a change in myself since the last time I came here to eat with my father. Well, first of all, Harry wasn’t here, but that’s not really important.

“I really like the stage I’m at in my life,” I blurt out even though nobody cares enough to ask.

Harry and my father both exchange a look and stare at me, wondering where all this self-proclaiming confidence is stemming from all of a sudden. I mean, I can’t really blame them. I have puzzling feelings about it all, too.

“Is that so?” Harry grins at me as if he’s unconvinced and is going to do his best to prove that and make me crack.

“Yep.” I nod adamantly. “I’m done with pleasing other people and that includes you and Daddy,” I state.

“You try to please me?” Harry grins in satisfaction.

“More Daddy than you.” I shrug because I don’t want to make him feel special.

My parents already do enough of that for me.

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