36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 8

Somehow, even though I can barely feel anything aside from the fires of pleasure, I notice his cock spasming harshly inside my pussy. He’s on the edge as well, and it’s a good thing too; I doubt I could endure one more minute of such delight. Who

knew that pleasure could ever be too much?

I sigh deeply as his cock starts to twitch uncontrollably, gushing his warm seed deep inside of me. He stops moving his body as he comes, filling me up to the brim with thick ropes of white cum. He keeps cumming for what seems like an eternity, gushing so much cum that it starts dripping out of my pussy and pooling on the floor at our feet.

Slowly, he lowers me down as his cock finally stops spasming. He pulls it out of me gently, a shiver going up my spine as he does it. I lean back against the wall, tilting my head back and breathing deeply; his hand goes down the side of my body and, when I open my eyes, he’s on his knees. Our eyes meet and a savage grin burns on his face immediately. Without warning, he leans forward, pressing his mouth against my pussy; reacting by sheer instinct I lay my hands on top of his head as he licks my folds, scooping his own cum.

“Oh, God…” I whisper, his lips sucking my folds dry. He jabs at my insides with his tongue, pushing it past my inner lips and using it to lick his cum. Pulling back, he goes up to his feet, his eyes never leaving mine. He doesn’t say a word, he just leans into me with slightly parted lips, his cum making his mouth glisten.

I close my eyes as he kisses me, pushing my tongue inside his mouth. His salty flavor inundates me at once, and I just have to open my mouth wide. I take all the cum he holds inside his mouth, feeling thick drops of it dripping down my chin. When my mouth’s full, I finally pull back, my heart almost ready to burst.

“Swallow,” he says with a wicked smile, drops of cum still hanging on his lips. I don’t even filter his command; I just do it. I swallow every single drop of cum, feeling its harsh manly flavor burning down my throat. “Good girl,” he tells me, leaning into me for one final kiss.

Derek Kane, you’ve been around Sienna and me for so long … but where the hell did you come from? And why am I just discovering you now?

Chapter 4


“Feeling better now?” I ask, pushing a tall glass of gin across the counter. Thick ice cubes float on top of the gin, clinking against the glass, and a handful of red berries swim alongside them. I've never cared for drinks that look like a fruit salad, but after what we just did in the office I have no problem with preparing a drink like this.

“Much better,” she laughs, reaching for the glass with one trembling hand. Her cheeks are still flushed and, even though she tried to comb it, her hair screams out I just had sex in the back-office. Not that anyone will care; the owner would never give me shit for something like this. He knows that half the women that flock to this place come because of me.

Not that I’ve ever done something like this before. Sure, I’m ogled all the time, and I’ve received all kinds of indecent propositions. That doesn’t mean I can’t focus when it comes to work and simply let my dick rule over me. I like being in control of what I’m feeling and doing ... except when it comes to Cara. There’s just something about her that shuts down my brain.

She takes the glass to her lips, and I just stand there against the counter and watch, remembering the way her sweet mouth drove me to the brink of madness just a few minutes ago. I’ve known her for quite awhile now, and she always made my blood boil whenever she walked into the bar … but she had a boyfriend, and there are a few lines that even an asshole like me won’t cross. Fucking girls in a happy relationship is one of those lines.

But now she’s no longer in a relationship, right? She’s as free as a bird, and I couldn’t be any happier about it. Does that make me sound like a callous asshole? Maybe. But I’ve wanted her for so long … and now that I’ve already had a taste, I want her even more.

“It’s a mess, this whole situation,” she sighs, taking another sip of her gin. Her eyes are downcast, and she’s staring at the counter’s polished surface as if the answer to her problems is hiding in there.

“Hey,” I whisper, placing two fingers under her chin and forcing her to look up. Her eyes meet mine and I smile at her, my cock twitching inside my pants as I remember the taste of her sweet lips. “Fuck him. You don’t need an asshole cheater like that in your life, Cara.”

“I’m not talking about Trevor,” she says, a concerned smile taking over her lips. “As far as I’m concerned, he can rot in hell. I’m better off without him,” she chuckles, placing her hand on top of mine.

I feel the warmness of her fingers seeping into my skin, and my cock twitches again; even though we’ve just fucked like two wild animals, I’m more than ready to ravage her again. Fuck, if I knew sex with Cara would be this good, I wouldn’t even have cared about that little shit she used to call 'boyfriend.'

“Then what are you concerned about? Your job? Someone like you will find a job in the blink of an eye. Hell, I have some connections in the industry, and I might —”

“No, it’s not about my job,” she cuts me short. “It’s about Naughty Angel Publishing.”

“NAP? What about it?” I look at her, confused. What the hell does the largest publishing house in the romance industry have to do with anything? Cara was working for Sienna, and Sienna had nothing to do with NAP.

“Well … there’s a reason I stepped inside her office,” she starts to say, averting my gaze and looking out the window, soft creases of worry taking over her forehead. “Sienna was on the phone. I don’t know who she was talking to, but there’s something suspicious going on…”

“Something suspicious? Like what?” I reach under the counter, grab a bottle of Jack Daniels I keep stashed in there for occasions like this, and pop the cork out. I pour myself a glass and then lean forward, my elbows propped on the counter. “Is Sienna planning something?”

“Seemed like it,” Cara nods. “But I don’t know what. I just know that she was talking about Naughty Angel Publishing, and that in three months time the company would be done for.”

“What?” I scoff, cocking one eyebrow as I throw my head back and down all of the whisky. “She’s insane. A company like Naughty Angel wouldn’t fold like that…and in three months! Yeah, right—she’s out of her fucking mind, Cara.”

“I know, I know. But the way she was talking about it … I don’t know who was on the other side of the line, but it really sounded like she was planning something, not just talking out of her ass,” she tells me in one single breath, locking her eyes on mine. I look back at her for a few seconds, taking in the serious expression that’s deepening the soft lines of her face, creasing them with worry, and I sigh.

“Okay, alright. I can see it. Sienna has a reputation in the industry, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she did something stupid. She's always envied Abby’s success, and I guess that sooner or later someone would come after Naughty Angel.”

“I know! But what should I do with all this? Shouldn’t I tell someone? But who?” She asks me, her lips turning into a thin anxious line.

“Okay,” I whisper, drumming my fingertips across the counter. I hide the bottle of Jack and my glass under the counter again, and take a deep breath as I consider my options. I’ve never worked for Naughty Angel, but I know a guy that could put Cara in touch with someone from NAP.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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