36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 46

“Is that it?” I laugh, my hands on my hips as I look at the four of them. I want to say they make a beautiful couple, but that isn’t quite the word I should be using, huh? Let’s change it to a beautiful foursome. Between the three of them, Cara probably has 36 inches of pure pleasure to waste her time on. All for the best; I need someone who waltzes into work full of inspiration.

“That can be arranged, Cara,” I tell her with a quick nod, and the smile on her face becomes so large that I can’t help but laugh again. “Cara Angel ... how does that sound?”

“That sounds perfect!” She squeals and, before I can even react, she just closes the distance between me and her. She wraps her arms tightly around me, squeezing me so tight that I can almost feel my ribs cracking.

“Wow, someone’s excited,” Lana laughs, and only then does Cara let go of me.

“I’m sorry,” she tells me, her cheeks flushed.

“No need to be sorry. An angel is never sorry,” I tell her with a wink.

Right now, just looking at her, I know I made the right call. This one is going to bring something special to NAP.

“Welcome to Naughty Angel, Cara.”

Chapter 30


Please, someone pinch me.

I’m pretty sure that I must be dreaming right now. Abby from Naughty Angel asking me to become an Angel? No, this can’t be real.

“You did it,” Derek says, leaning into me and whispering those words into my ear. “You did it.” That’s when I realize that no, this isn’t a dream at all. This is as real as it could possibly get.

Just a few weeks ago and I didn’t have a job, I didn’t have a boyfriend ... all I had was a pair of cold handcuffs around my wrists, and my name as part of the romance industry blacklist.

And now look at me: I’m standing in front of Abby, and I’ve just been christened as Cara Angel. Not too shabby for a day’s work, huh?

“Cara Angel,” I whisper to myself, smiling as I feel that name roll off my tongue. It feels so unreal, and the same time, it just sounds right.

“That’s right,” Abby tells me, looking at Lana and nodding at her. At that, Lana reaches inside her purse and fishes out a folded piece of paper. “I came prepared for this, Cara, and I had Lana bring a contract.”

“That’s why I was late,” Lana laughs, and Abby just looks at her and rolls her eyes.

“Of course you were late because of the contract,” Abby laughs, and then she just takes the contract out of Lana’s hands and gives it to me. “Now, take your time reading through that one and then get to me. I’m giving you the freedom to choose what your role is going to be as Angel, so think on that as well.”

“I will, of course,” I tell her with a nod, a billion ideas already bubbling up inside my mind. Total freedom as an author? I knew that NAP was the best publishing house in the whole industry, but I had no idea they were as cool as this. God, if only Sienna hadn’t allowed her jealousy to take over, she might have been an Angel as well. Goes to show you how many people throw the opportunity of a lifetime away, and that just because they can’t keep their egos in check.

“Now that’s how you wrap up a story,” Mason tells me, pressing his body against mine and embracing me. Before I even know what’s happening, he tangles his fingers in my hair and presses his lips against mine. I close my eyes as I savor him, and the next thing I know, I’ve already pulled back from him and moved toward Parker. I kiss him as well, parting his lips with the tip of my tongue, and then I just do the same with Derek.

With their taste on my mouth, I take one step back and just take in the scene. They’re all in front of me, handsome as ever, and the way they’re looking into my eyes ... it’s hard to put it into words. Not really a good start for an aspiring writer, huh?

“All this… All this happened because of you,” I tell them, my heart beating at a thousand miles per hour. “If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be here right now.” Then, feeling a sweet tightness taking over my heart, I just let three magical words fly out from between my lips. “I love you… I love you so much!”

“I love you too,” they all seem to say at the same time, their chorus of deep voices sending a shiver up my spine. They all look at each other and grin; love for them isn’t a matter of possession. It’s a matter of freedom, of passion. You can’t possess love, but

you sure as hell can share it.

“That’s the best fucking thing I’ve heard all day,” Parker grins, the way his lips curl upward just making me want to kiss again.

“Maybe that’s because you haven’t heard me whisper a few things against your ear,” I tell him, and this time I don’t even feel my cheeks becoming flushed. I guess that once you become an Angel things change fast.

“Oh, but we still have time for that, haven’t we?” Derek chuckles, that devilish glint in his eyes telling me all about the sort of scenarios he’s playing in his head.

“We have all the time in the world,” Mason whispers, his eyes never leaving mine. There’s an aura of lust around the three of them, and I feel the air itself growing heavy around me, pressing down on my shoulders and making my insides clench. Jesus, I’m so wet right now that soon enough my thong will be nothing but a drenched rag.

“Sure, we have all the time in the world ... but I want to celebrate right fucking now,” Parker says, and the way he says it ... well, let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if he just slung me over his shoulder and carried me away.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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