36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 60

"A little Pilates, a little dinner—and here we are," I laugh. "Exciting, right?"

"Sounds like a decent night to me," Derek smiles. "And now you're here with me. Even better."

Just then, Nadia clears her throat.

"It's getting late," she says, pretending to look at her watch. "I'm going to call it a night."

She turns to Derek and asks, "Dinner tomorrow night?"

"I—uh—I'll have to check my calendar," he replies.

"Well, whatever's on your calendar, cancel it," she says with a devilish grin.

"You bet," he replies, not wanting to argue, but I can detect some reluctance. "See you tomorrow."

We watch as Nadia grabs her purse and walks off.

Ashley, suddenly feeling like the third wheel, looks down at her phone.

"I better cut out too," she says. "I have a date with Netflix. You guys enjoy yourselves."

She leans down and gives me a quick hug before leaving.

Now that I'm alone with Derek, I'm scared. That confident girl on the 6 train is gone.

This man's a billionaire. He's older and wiser, and I suddenly feel so sure that he's going to see right through all of my earlier bravado and see me for what I really am—a young, driven, 20-something just trying to find her place in the world.

But Derek cuts my thoughts short.

He looks straight at me. "I'm going to take you upstairs and fuck you."

I'm caught off guard. What did he just say? My pulse quickens and my confidence returns. Two can definitely play this game.

"You sound so sure about that," I purr devilishly. "But can you really handle all of this?"


OK, can I just say that there must be a big reason why Derek is a billionaire, and I think I figure out why by the time he takes me upstairs to his hotel room.

Like, first off, he has more confidence than any man I've ever met. There was almost no question as he walked toward the elevator in terms of if I was going to follow. He just knew. Sure, he looked at me and smiled, but from the way he looked at me, and the way I looked back at him, it was like I knew I was going to go up with him too.

Oh wow will you just listen to me? I sound like some little deer trapped by some headlights.

Well, let me just say babe, that’s what it pretty much feels like.

And now that I’m walking through his room, all of a sudden his arm grabs me.

My heart skips a beat and I’m like remembering I have MACE in my purse.

But this isn’t a MACE moment. It’s a Moaning Moment. Get it? Like Moaning Mondays from Mona Cox? Sorry, I couldn’t help but give her a plug, okay?

Anyways, let's get back to the sexy sex and let me not distract you by being weird. The last thing that I want is for you or Derek to stop what you're doing because I’m being a dork. Oh no, just thinking about that is making me so not wet. Like can you actually get dry when you get turned off?

But whatevs babe, you’re not gonna get dry.

Because Derek is pretty much in charge right now.

He yanks on my hair, forcing my head back, and lays his mouth against my neck. I feel my whole body burning up, his closeness driving me completely mad. Moving suddenly, he presses his hand against my crotch, bunching up the front of my dress. A moan leaves my lips at once, his pressure on my pussy making my head spin. I can already feel my wetness soaking my black lace thong, desire coursing mercilessly through me.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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