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36 Inches (Size Matters 3)

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I focus on the blank flat screen, and fortunately Chase doesn’t leave us hanging. His image appears on screen.

“Good morning, contestants,” he says, way too chipper for this time of day.

We all mumble some form of greeting, none of us sounding too excited. I keep thinking back to what Maya said last night. That there’s going to be a twist. I have no idea what it could be, but my palms are practically sweating I’m so nervous.

Chase smiles, flashing his perfect white teeth that contrast against his perfect deep tan. His blond hair is perfectly styled, and his clothes look just as perfect. I want to snort at how overly perfect he appears. Must be nice to have a team of stylists making you look that good first thing in the morning.

“You’re probably wondering why I’ve assembled you all this morning


Tristan and Madden nod, trading suspicious glances with each other. Like they each expect to be informed that I fucked the other and we’re about to have a surprise live eviction or some shit.

Chase continues. “As you know, on Biggest Licker there’s always something unexpected. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you this season. Now that it’s just down to the three of you, we’ve got a brand-new, never before seen twist that changes everything.”

I bite my lip, my eyes darting to the guys then back to Chase. I feel like I’m going to come unglued if he doesn’t get to the point already.

“Do you want to hear it?” he teases, that perfect smile grating on my last nerve.

Fucking spit it out, Chase, I want to growl. But I sit and wait, twisting my fingers together.

“For the first time ever, we are allowing the contestants to leave the house.” He holds his hands up as I sit up straighter. “But just for the next twenty-four hours. Megan, you will be spending the day on a romantic date with one of the two remaining billionaires.”

My jaw drops. Literally. Not only do I get to leave this house that’s started to feel like a prison, but I get to go on a date? I’ve seen enough reality shows to know that this date will be over the top awesome. It’s almost too good to be true.

Chase keeps right on talking. “We’ve chosen the lucky billionaire at random.” He holds up an envelope, dragging out the anticipation. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Tristan and Madden narrow their eyes at each other, their bodies tense. This is a game changer.

Chase opens the envelope, pausing dramatically, then says, “And the lucky man is… Tristan.”

I glance at Tristan, who now has a smug look on his face as he smirks at Madden. And Madden? Well, Madden is not one bit happy. He stands up, narrowing his eyes at Tristan again in a death glare, then stalks off.

I look at Tristan, not sure what to say next, but then Maya appears out of nowhere, barking out orders about getting dressed and getting moving. “Time to get this party started.”

The next hour is a whirlwind of getting ready, packing for a night away, and getting shuffled out the door by Maya to a waiting limo that takes us to a private jet.

“Where are we going?” I ask as the three of us climb the stairs to board the plane.

“Miami,” Maya says, giving me a watch yourself look before disappearing toward the back of the plane, apparently to give us some privacy.

That leaves just me and Tristan. Alone for the first time ever. I’m sure there are hidden cameras on the plane, but for the first time in a while, I don’t feel like someone is watching over my shoulder.

Tristan takes my hand, giving me a disarming grin, and leads me to the cream leather loveseat. “Would you like something to drink?”

I nod, and he produces a bottle of champagne and two glasses from a mini bar in the cabin like he does this all the time. I have to remind myself that’s because he does. I’m the only one who’s completely awestruck by the idea of flying in a private jet for a romantic date in Miami.

Sitting down beside me, Tristan hands me a glass and clinks his to mine, much like last night. “To the best date I’ll ever go on with the most beautiful woman I could possibly find.”

A smile pulls at my lips, and I have a hard time not sighing. He can be extremely charming. I take a sip of my champagne and look at him curiously. “Have you been to Miami before?”

He leans back, resting an arm across the back of the loveseat. “I have a summer house down there.”

My eyebrows fly up. Again, I shouldn’t be surprised. I shift in my seat. “So this is no big deal then.”

Tristan leans forward and takes my glass, setting them both in a recessed holder on the table beside us. Then he takes my hand in both of his and lifts it to his lips, pressing a slow, soft kiss to my knuckles. “Believe me. This is a very big deal. Taking you to Miami is perfect. This whole day is perfect. You know why?”

A tingle races up my arm, my body hyper-aware of how close we are. I can’t seem to form words, so I just shake my head.

“Because it’s just you and me. I’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks, Megan. And not because I want to catch you off guard and make you lose control—though, don’t get me wrong,” he adds with a naughty grin that makes my breath hitch, “I very much want to make you lose control. But for now, I just want to spend time with you. Get to know you.”

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