36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 108

“What?” I’m so wrapped up in checking him out that it takes a minute to process his words.

“Dinner?” Tristan gives me sexy half-smile and holds out his arm for me to take when a knock on the door distracts us both. He frowns and shrugs, moving to answer the door.

A bellboy stands there holding out a tablet with a piece of paper attached to the top.

“Tristan?” I ask, coming up behind him. “What is it?”

He gives me a confused look and points to the paper. “A note from Chase. It says he has a message for us.”

I take the tablet and walk back to the living area while Tristan tips the bellboy. I hear him shut the door and his footsteps as he walks up behind me, resting his hands on my upper arms.

“Guess we should watch it,” I say, curious. What could this be? Another twist? God, I hope not. What if we have to do something ridiculous? All I want to do right now is pretend I’m not actually on a reality show and just go enjoy my date with Tristan.

Tristan wraps his arms around my waist and takes the tablet in his hands, resting his chin on my shoulder as he taps the screen and brings up the video.

Chase’s picture-perfect face appears with the recorded message, smiling like a fool. “Good evening, Megan and Tristan. I hope your day has been everything you hoped it would be.”

I giggle as I think about our afternoon in the pool. Definitely. Everything and more.

Chase gives another one of his trademark dramatic pauses, then continues with the recorded video. “As you were told this morning, you are away from the house for twenty-four hours. What we didn’t tell you was how those twenty-four hours would be spent. Megan, you were to spend the day with Tristan, but you’ll be spending the night with Madden.” Chase grins on the tablet, lifting his fingers in a wave. “Have fun.”

The video ends abruptly, and I just stand there in shock. For some reason, I was under the impression that Tristan and I would have the entire night together.

I can feel his body behind me, no longer gentle but full of tension. I turn in his arms, not sure what to say. But before I can speak, the door to the suite flies open, and in strolls Madden, the smug look on his face almost surpassing the one Tristan wore this morning.

Tristan spins around as Madden claps a hand on his shoulder.

“Step aside, lover boy,” Madden says, “and let Megan see what a night with a real man is like.”

Tristan looks like he’s about to bust a blood vessel. His fists clench repeatedly, and I’m almost afraid this could come to blows.

But Madden just stands there with that smug grin on his face. I don’t know what to think. I was having a great time with Tristan, but now that I see Madden, dressed to the nines in an obviously custom-made suit, I want to spend time with him as well. I don’t know if that’s wrong after what all Tristan and I shared today, but it’s how I feel.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Tristan bites out, eyes blazing as Maya comes through the door.

She shakes her head. “Sorry, Tristan. You’re coming with me.”

He stands stock still for a moment, the muscles in his jaw ticking, and I have no idea what he’s going to do. Then he seems to make a decision and turns back to me. His expression softens and he brushes my hair back, tucking it behind my ears.

“Megan,” he says, cupping my face in his big hands, looking at me with that intensity that I’m starting to crave, “this was a perfect day. I’m so glad I got to share it with you.”

“Me too,” I say softly.

Tristan leans in, capturing my mouth with his, and my knees go a little weak with the slow seduction of his kiss. If he’s wanting to leave an impression seared on my mind while I’m out with Madden, he’s doing a damn good job.

When he pulls back, he whispers, “Have a good night, princess. See you tomorrow.”

He says it like a promise. Then Maya whisks him away and I’m left alone with Madden. The man who just had to stand there and watch me melt for another man.


I look at Megan over the rim of my glass and wink. Lowering it, I say, “You know sushi is an aphrodisiac, right?”

She grins. “Oh, is it now? Please, Madden, tell me more.” She bats her eyelashes in an exaggerated simper.

“Absolutely, baby.” Laughing, I lean forward, and she does the same. “It’s wet, it’s pink, it’s soft. Practically melts in your mouth.”

Megan’s eyes widen and her mouth falls open a little, and I can’t help but tease her a little more.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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