36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 145

Nadia: Make sure you tell me after we go off the air, then!

Chase: I’m afraid I can’t do that either, babe.

Nadia: Do you really want me to say those same words when you try to put that cock in my ass? Or when you’re trying to cum on my tits? Be very careful with your wording here, Mister.

Chase: I bet you across the country, millions of couples are having this same discussion about whether I should break my professional ethics to tell my girlfriend.

Nadia: Wait.

Chase: What?

Nadia: Girlfriend?

Chase: Well, yeah, I guess, sort of.

Nadia: You think of me as your girlfriend?

Chase: I do, actually. Now that I think about it, I think it makes a lot of sense calling you my girlfriend.

Nadia: Oh. My. God.

Chase: You okay?

Nadia: Yes. I’m so good. You made me the happiest girl alive Chase! I love you!

Chase: Aww, baby girl. I love you too.

Nadia: Only…

Chase: Yes?

Nadia: I’ll love you more if you tell me what ‘s in those notes?

Chase: Oh. My. God. Now it’s my turn. I don’t know. And I can’t tell you. Even if I knew I couldn’t tell you.

Nadia: Well, folks, you heard it here. The notes are super secret but in the next episode we’ll apparently be finding out who Megan chose and that will determine for this season who will be….

Voiceover: THE BIGGEST LICKER!!!!!


An hour later, I’m standing in the rooftop garden, anxiously twisting my fingers. This is it. The moment I’ve put off for weeks and weeks. Strangely enough, I’m not as nervous as I thought I’d be. What I am nervous about is how Tristan and Madden will respond.

Long moments pass as I think over all the possible outcomes of what could happen when they get here, but soon enough, I hear a door behind me, and Tristan and Madden both appear at the entrance to the garden.

They look incredible. So handsome and sexy and absolutely perfect. My heart pounds in my chest, my body trembling with desire just from one look at them. Every memory of our encounters flashes through my mind. The dates, the time in the kitchen, our moments yesterday when I had time with each of them alone.

I want them so badly that I can feel my body responding more with every step they take, coming closer and closer.

They reach me at the same time.

“Megan.” Tristan reaches for my hand, kissing my knuckles as he always does. His lips brushing across my skin sends a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire in my core.

“Good morning,” Madden says, strangely calm, not jealous at all of Tristan’s actions. Then he leans in and kisses my cheek, sending another round of electric sparks across my skin.

I glance at Tristan. This doesn’t seem to bother him at all. What’s up with that? Up until a couple days ago, they were shooting daggers at one other, each ready to beat the other to a pulp. Now they seem completely civil. This could be a good sign.

Taking a deep breath, I decide I just need to get it out. Why wait?

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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