36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 260

We both get dressed quietly, but when we are dressed and I’ve attempted to do something to my hair, Ethan walks up to me. He kisses the top of my head like he does so often when he’s trying to keep me safe.

“Emmaline,” Ethan says, pressing his mouth against my arm and then holding that arm. He pulls me close. “We can never do this again,” he says, a tremor in his voice. He sounds like a man who is barely hanging on.

I understand. I’m shattered now, and not because of pain but from pure need. I crave Ethan more than I even knew was possible. How could either of us stay away? I felt that same passion play out of me when he made love to me. He fucks hard, he fucks gentle, he fucks intensely, and I can feel he’s got every bit the passion that I do.

“You challenge my self control,” Ethan says, squeezing me hard. “I like that,” he says, stroking a finger up my forearm.

I shiver, and I reach out and close his lower lip between my teeth and tug. I release it and grab his face, holding him as I kiss him deeply. “I want a relationship,” I say when I finally release him from the kiss.

He looks up at me like a man drugged.

“I know it is dangerous-“ I say but he interrupts me.

“It is. But we’re going to have a real date. Dinner. I’m making reservations, and I’ll get you the details,” Ethan says, scooping me into his arms. He lifts me and presses me against his desk, flat on my back, and then closes over me. His body on mine, shivering against him with nowhere to breathe but into him, I feel my whole heart and mind flutter. Ethan is so possessive and I crave it. I couldn’t be satisfied with anything less. Ethan looks into my eyes and I see the recognition.

I think of Wuthering Heights, the only book I come close to loving as much as Frankenstein, and I know we share both of these passions. I think of the most enduring line from Wuthering Heights and I know it's true, because I feel every syllable in my bones.

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

When we’ve turned to ask and nothing remains, that will still be true.

I want to find a reality with him, but I know that when we’re together, our hearts have already run away together. We just have to catch up.

I remember the last time we were in this office, how Ethan touched me. I crave that again. I don’t enjoy the idea of being caught, but I like being in his domain and under his power. The authority he has over me does turn me on. The idea of being his makes my pussy so wet.

A real date? That’s the sort of heady reality that makes my whole world feel like a modern day fairy tale. Ethan will always be my dark prince, my charming beast. “Until then,” I tell him, dragging myself away from him.


I can’t believe I’m going on my very first date. I don’t really date guys my age. I’ve never had time for any of that. And now to be doing so with the teacher I can’t quit? My professor, who was into my mother…wow, my head is spinning with every possible thought that I shouldn’t be thinking.

And then?


When he shows up, I don’t feel out of place standing outside the restaurant anymore. I didn’t want to be seen getting into his car before, so this is how I agreed to meet for our date. But I see him, sharp-dressed in an incredible suit and looking so damned good I could faint. When I see his hand extending out a rose for me, I'm so touched by the gesture. Ethan has made all my tensions disappear and made this moment so romantic.

A single red rose, with a black ribbon tied on it. I’m not surprised that Ethan has brought me another favorite aesthetic, romantic thing of mine for me. Phantom of the Opera, I realize, must be a story that he sees us, with hopefully a happier ending. He sees me as his beauty, and if he is a beast, then he is mine.

“Thank you,” I say, accepting the rose. I bring it to my nose and inhale the scent deeply, loving that natural mystery that roses have in their scents.

When I open my eyes, Ethan is looking at me. He’s go

t a wide grin spread over his lips and his eyes are crinkled up at the edges with just how much he’s smiling. His kind eyes are lit with such emotion it could bring me to my knees.

I feel my heart swell up in my chest that this gorgeous, wonderful man is looking at me like this, because of me. He wants me. Ethan wants me like I want him and I need him more than ever.

I lean forward to kiss him and though it's just a closed mouth kiss, I pour all my passion into pressing my lips against his. I need him to feel how much I want him, need him, and appreciate him. How much I desire him.

I pull back and see the adoration still present in his eyes, and I know he feels what I feel.

Ethan extends his arm, which I hook with my own, and we are escorted to a private room in the restaurant he’s taken me to. I have never been anywhere this truly fancy and elegant before. This is much fancier than fancy noodle place, like the difference between a shed and a high-rise tower.

The meal is incredible. I had no idea that food could even taste this good, or look this pretty on the plate before. I can hardly focus on that, though, because I’m watching Ethan. Watching him sip wine, with his elegant lips touching the glass and making my hair stand up on the back of my neck. I watch Ethan watching me, and the way that he smiles at me, and I’m so taken with him I barely have an appetite. I manage to, though, because no way I’m passing up the fanciest food I might ever eat in my life.

“You enjoying your meal, Emmaline?” Ethan asks, taking another sip of his wine.

“Enjoying it almost as much as the company,” I tell him.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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