36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 262

han clenches his fist and he grabs me, pressing me against a wall that’s behind us. He holds me, pressing his lips to my ear. “I hear you say anything like that again and I’m going to fuck you right here, I can’t hold myself back that much, not when I know how fucking perfect my cock is inside you,” Ethan growls.

Ethan’s arms are wrapped around me, circling my waist. I grind against his cock. His lips ghost over mine, and it is just not enough. His kiss sets my body on fire and short circuits my brain. All I can think about is getting that big cock of his inside of me. I’m shamelessly parting my thighs and letting him rub against me while I rub against him and kiss him. The valet can’t get here fast enough, because I’m aching for him to touch me more. If this takes even a moment longer, I’m going to beg him to fuck me right here, public or not. That’s how badly I need him.

“Fuck, I don’t know the valet to take this long. I need to get you home and fuck you, as soon as possible, before my cock fucks into you right here,” Ethan says, his breathing ragged.

But we were so fucked, and not in the way that I thought we would be tonight.


“Ethan fucking Wesley, you get your damn hands off my daughter!”


That voice is my mother. The gasp I hear is my father.

Ethan keeps his arm around me, circled around my waist so that I’m hooked to him, even when he turns around.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

My parents were in a restaurant down the street. They’d parked when they saw Ethan and I as we were waiting for the valet.

“This isn’t as bad as it looks,” I say to my mother. I can barely catch my breath and she’s barreling toward me in full protective mother mode. This is so fucking bad, but that’s because I can’t imagine my mother being okay with this in a thousand years. I love Ethan, but this isn't how I want to tell my mother that.

My father is trying to calm her down, grabbing her arm, but she’s swatting him away. “Shut up, Daniel, you don’t understand,” she spits her words at him.

I can’t imagine ever talking to Ethan that way, and I know he’d never stand for that. Of course, my father cowers back. I know that mom likes being in charge, and I certainly don’t take any shit, but now I’m seeing the differences in myself and my mother now and what it means for belonging to Ethan. I want to belong to him. My mother just plain doesn’t want that. My father has never acted like that far as I’ve ever seen.

But I don’t have time to put last year’s freshman psychology to use. I lean forward and instinctively Ethan grips me. I bite my lip at the sensation. I crave belonging to Ethan, this is who I am and who I want to be for him. With him. Ethan and I bring out the equal and complementary parts of each other.

The battering ram coming toward us is the opposite…and she’s my mother who wants me to not date my professor, the friend she romantically rejected. God, this is a mess. Everything I want is going down in flames. Tears well up in my eyes and I try to breathe through it.

Ethan is struggling to control his temper; I can practically feel heat rising off of him. I step between him and my mother, my hand sliding over his for a second because I have to touch him. It's how I have to show him that I’m his, that I want him to be okay, even in just a small, momentary touch.

“Move, move right now, Emmaline. You get the hell away from this bastard. I knew he was up to some bullshit. All these years and you figure you’ll just have my daughter since I didn’t want you? You’re crazy. You’re a creep. You need to stay the hell away from Emmaline-“

“MOM!” I can’t take a single word of this. “Don’t talk about Ethan like that. You don’t know him anymore and I’m not convinced that you ever really did. This isn’t about you. I’m an adult’-“ I cut off my mom but she cuts me off, opening her mouth and making a frustrated sound while stepping closer.

I press my body against Ethan, backing against him. Ethan grips my upper arms and the waves of adrenaline shooting through my body that make me want to run tell me that there's nowhere to run because where I want to be is in Ethan's arms.

My mother’s eyes nearly pop out of her head at Ethan's hands around my arms. “He's not some man you can date. You're a child, and this is ridiculous. You have some kind of delusion here, and I love you, baby, but I know that you don’t know what you’re doing right now. You can come home with me, or you can come to the university to me.” She stomps.

Ethan's hands squeeze my arms tight and then release me. “Emmaline, go home with your mother,” Ethan says. His voice has that calm-before-the-hurricane quality, but this won’t be the prelude to something sensual.

My eyes well back up and I turn around. “No!” I try to fight back the tears but they’re streaming down my face. I bring my hands up to touch Ethan's face but he captures my wrists before I make contact.

I can see the pain in Ethan's eyes. “Your mother is right.” The valet pulls up with Ethan's car, and though his eyes are pained, Ethan releases my hands and takes his keys from the valet. “Go home with your parents.”

“Please, don’t leave me,” I cry out.

Ethan steps back toward me and wipes off one of my tears, and I watch his hand drop down into a fist, but he goes back to his car.

I beg Ethan not to leave me, whimpering and crying, but Ethan drives away.

My father comes toward me, but I push him away and he stays back. My mother walks toward me and grabs my arm but I push her away. “I will not go home with you. No one controls me, I'm a grown woman, not a child!” I storm off and drive back to campus.

As soon as I’m inside my room, I call Ethan.

No answer.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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