36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 326

I sigh, thinking that I don’t understand why Jessica’s bugging me about this shit right now. This should be my priority, not hers, but she booked an appointment for us to discuss it. So, I should respect her decision to at least be efficient about her work.

“A report from your analytics team. You’ve been making a lot of purchases and fixing up bookstores. You asked the team to make up the report so you can go forward with your plans, remember? We’re keeping up with your purchases as you make them.” There’s not any frustration in her voice right now, but I can tell she’s surprised at how many purchases I’ve moved forward with. I will need to get back to my practice today and see patients, so I get now why Jessica called this meeting. But I’m too damn distracted today!

“I still have a few shops to buy.” I raise my eyebrows and nod. This is the issue with Jessica; sometimes I wonder if she’s my secretary or my mom in disguise. She likes to have these types of conversations, to see if I’m paying attention. Something that my mom does from time-to-time. And like my mom, often, Jessica is right.

This is why she’s a good assistant, keeping me on my toes. I need to focus.

I skim through the pages of the report. The team did a good job, but there are several shops that I’ve yet to close the deal on. I could probably focus on another one for now… or I could leave that to someone else.

“Is this the only report?” I ask when I’m halfway through, losing my concentration again.

“No. There are a few others, but there are discrepancies so the team will hold onto it for a few more days. I just thought you’d like the update.”

“Thank you for bringing me this,” I have nothing much to say on the topic. Apart from seeing that Elia’s boss was giving me shitty figures to begin with, there’s nothing more to know about the store. I went there twice yesterday and I was the only one walking in and out. It’s clear that the store’s in trouble. I don’t need to look at the numbers to figure that out.

My eyes are wandering around the room as my mind goes back to thoughts of Elia. I want to see her now. I don’t think that I can wait until this evening.

I shake my head at the thought. It’s too soon. Besides, Elia was a virgin before yesterday and she’ll get the wrong idea about me maybe committing to her. I can’t send the wrong signals, it just wouldn’t be right. And for once in my life, I feel like doing the right thing as far as women are concerned. And I’m not the right thing, not for commitment. I made a mistake. A mistake that will make me hard for the next several days as I try to keep from being too distracted and jerking off every time I think about Elia.

Jessica stands by my desk, hovering around it, then she smiles and says what’s on her mind. “After all these years of working with you. I’ve never seen you this distracted, what’s on your mind?”

I decide that I’ll kill two birds with one stone. Maybe if she thinks that I’m interested in another woman, she’ll stop asking me out whenever I’m in town.

“I went out on a date last night.”

“Wow, you…” She pauses. “I just thought that you never really dated.” She gets flustered. My plan’s working without me having to put her in her place.

“So, who was the lucky lady?” Jessica says, raising an eyebrow.


“From the bookstore?”

“The same one. I’m just trying to figure out where to take her on the weekend.”

“Oh. I thought that you were going back to New York this weekend?”

I shake my head, “I changed my mind.”

There’s an uncomfortable silence as her mouth opens and closes several times. I have nothing more to say. Yet, I have a feeling that Jessica does.

“I thought that you never mixed business with pleasure?”

She raises an eyebrow. I know that she’s talking about herself, but how can I explain to her that being with Elia is nothing but pleasure? I was never too sure about it in the first place and I always stick to my gut feeling, but I don’t with Elia, which is why my witch theory seems like a probable one.

“She must be something…”

Jessica’s biting her lip. She’s not my type, but I wonder what my type is. I never realized that I had one until I’d turned her down more than once.

“She is. But if you don’t mind, I need to get on with these reports.”

“And figure out where to take Elia on the weekend?”


I point at her, and then she leaves my office, flustered. I can tell she’s upset, but she’s been working for me for years and I’ve not given her the impression that I’m interested. Maybe this is the best way for her to get the message.


Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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