36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 339

And of course i’m thrilled to see Eric. I can’t hide that from you. I don’t want to. I mean you know every move I tried in the bedroom, and dining room, is because I do read the Naughty Angel books. I’m getting my orgasms. Why shouldn’t I be happy to see the man that offers them up so freely.

Now I get that shirt everyone had a few years back. Orgasm Donor. Wonder if Eric’s driver’s license has that on it...

“Hey!” I call out with enthusiasm, moving from behind the counter to greet him without thinking about it. He looks so hot..I wish that my shift was over so that we could go back to his, the place that I’m starting to call my second home lately. We spend more time hanging at his than mine. His penthouse is bigger, and I just love chilling in the open space and not in my small studio apartment. Because he hasn’t had his daughter, it was a good way for me to spend time with him that he says he normally spends with Rose.

“I didn’t expect you to come in today.”

The tight expression on his face melts when I throw my arms around his neck for a quick hug. I pull away in the next second with a flush growing on my face as my mind catches up to what my body is doing. I’m not even hiding there’s something going on between us.

“Hey, back,” he says with a small smile. “I wanted to come and surprise you.”

Then his eyes dart to the open back door. He probably thinks that Ryan has come back from the unexpected trip he claimed that he had to take. He left a note for Becca saying that she’s in charge until he comes back. Ryan was vague about that piece of information, too.

This is only adding to my distrust of Becca, of course.

I touch his arm and pull back. “Ryan hasn’t come back in yet.”


I give him a sheepish look and move away from Becca, who’s watching us like a hawk.

“I’m stepping outside for a bit.” I tell her, not looking at her still.

I tug on Eric’s arm for us to leave, but he’s standing still and telling Becca, “We’re going out to lunch. I’ve got a couple of hours free.”

She mumbles, “It’s a bit early for lunch.”

“Coffee, then.”

“Elia,” Rebecca’s dark eyes cast over me as she moves closer to us, “I need to go out to the optometrist. You said that you would cover for me, and Dana’s coming in an hour to help you out. So, you can’t really go out now.”

Wow, where did that come from? This is literally the first I’m hearing of any of this.

Just then Eric’s phone rings, and he steps out to take the call. Meanwhile, in a flash, Becca manages to grab her purse and is heading out the door.

What the heck just happened to today!I wait for Eric to come back in, but then he simply kisses me on the cheek.

“It seems that I do need to go back to the office, I have a walk-in. Allergy season scares a lot of parents, probably nothing major,” Eric says with his trademark charming smile that makes me want to melt. “Don’t forget that I’m picking you up for dinner. You finish at seven tonight, right?”

I nod my head.

“Good, I’ll be on time...don’t be late.”

“Sure, see you later, hon,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him but laughing.

Then like that, I’m alone in the store again. This time I don’t have a creepy boss to worry about, or anyone working with me. There’s only one thing to do, start writing applications for a new job.


Seven on the dot, Eric’s at the bookstore to pick me up. Dana didn’t arrive to take over from Becca, and when I called her to find out if she was on her way, she said that she’s not due in until tomorrow, which means that Becca lied, which makes no sense. I don’t get why she would lie about a thing like that. I was going to talk to Eric about this whole weirdness at work in the restaurant, but I don’t think that I can wait that long to vent to someone. I feel like I’m losing my mind or something.

r />

“You know the weird thing?”“What?” he says as he takes a corner. I don’t even ask what restaurant we’re going to. I just can’t get over the way Becca was acting and then I think about a couple of girls yesterday. They were doing the same thing. It feels as if everyone’s in the know about our relationship or something, and they don’t want to talk to me about it.

“I’ve noticed a few times at the store, whenever I come across the girls grouped together they’re either laughing or talking in hushed tones, but as soon as they see me, they stop.”

“Okay? I don’t want to sound like a dick, but doesn’t like all of mankind, and womankind, do that?”I sigh as I realize I sound like a little kid complaining about the other kids on the playground during recess.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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