36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 343

I shake my head.

“It’s a little better since we last spoke about it. Maybe things are turning around.” I nod, thinking that maybe before I was feeling a little paranoid about the situation.

“That’s good,” Eric says encouragingly. “Everything seems to be falling into place. I think that once the purchase goes through then things will get a lot better.”

I’m a bit surprised that he’s talking like this. Especially when he hasn’t bought the store yet. No one seems to know where Ryan is at the moment.

Anxiety builds in my stomach as I open my mouth to ask, but the efficient waiter appears with our order. Once I see the pasta in front of my eyes, the last thing on my mind is a discussion about Ryan.

I take a bite and lose all senses. It’s partly because the food is good, and because of the way Eric fixates on my lips. I chew slowly and take my time as soon as I digest it and lick my lips. He wants me. Lust is written all over his face.

He hums, tasting some of his food. “You don’t know how much you’re turning me on right now.”

I move my head to the side and see him adjusting his pants.

“I think I have a pretty good idea.”

I chew on my lower lip, and his eyes once against latch onto my lips. He puts his elbows on the table and leans closer while lowering his voice.

“If you keep doing that, then I’ll have to drag you into the bathroom and show you how much you’re turning me on right now.”

I put my fork down and smile. “Promises, promises.”

I lick my lips once again this time slower. We could be in the restaurant alone as he moves his chair closer to mine.

“One more time, Elia!” he growls in my ear.

“What’s stopping you?”

He clears his throat. “I told you I have a lot of work at the moment. I have pressure from every corner, and I need to focus. I need to focus so badly.”

I grab his hand and slip it between my legs. I’m sure other diners are looking, but I don’t care. I only have eyes for one man, and his hand is in between my leg right now.

“Fuck! You’re so fucking wet.”

I nod innocently. “That’s what you do to me.”

“I can feel it through your dress…”

He snarls as he rides my dress up above my knee slowly, higher. The woman at the table next to us makes a loud noise. Maybe with her plate or something? But loud enough for us to know that we have an audience. One that’s not enjoying the show right now.

“What are you going to do about it?”He shakes his head. “Elia, I brought you out to eat.”

He pushes my chair away from him. I feel disappointed that I’m not having that effect on him. I worry that maybe something’s really wrong with us. First there’s no sex after he tells me that he loves me. He’s hiding something for sure. But then again, as he stops eating and keeps looking at me, I have a feeling that Eric will want a dessert and it won’t be something that’s on the menu.

“Babe, the truth is, I wanted to approach this subject better, but my mother is bringing my daughter, Rose, back tonight. I want...I want you to meet her. That summer camp they went to seem to go on forever...and I don’t want Rose to feel like she’s missing time with me. But you matter to me. I don’t know if I’m crazy or moving too fast or if you even want to meet my daughter, but if you’re with me, Rose is my family. I...I have never had to say this to anyone before and I have no idea if I’m doing it right.” Eric looks so stressed out right now that I wouldn’t be surprised if steam shot out of his ears, if only to relieve some of the pressure.

> Wow. This explains why Eric has been acting weird. Even though the bookstore used to be my only dream, my desire to be in a real, committed relationship with Eric has started to become just as important to me. And he finally brought up me meeting his daughter.

“Eric, I-”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Eric says, smiling. “I sprung this all on you.” He rubs his temples.

I place my hand over his, trying to comfort him. “Of course you and Rose are a package deal. I’m honored you want me to meet her. You figure out what’s best as far as doing that without encroaching goes,” I say, nibbling on my lip and feeling myself start to get nervous. “What if Rose doesn’t like me?” Now, I’m worried.

“Impossible. I think she could meet you right now and you two would have so much fun,” Eric says. His face lights up in a way I’ve never seen before, and for a second, I think I might cry.

I feel the moisture welling up in my eyes. “I love you, Eric.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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