36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 345

The lawyers.


Even Jessica!

It’s such a high risk, and everyone’s not happy about the purchase. But I don’t give a fuck because it’s exactly what I need right now. Something to make Elia happy and I’m determined to do that right now. Nothing and no one will stop me from doing the one thing that I’ve had on my mind for weeks.

After my run, I feel as if I’m a man on a mission. There’s only one thing I need to worry about today. How to tell Elia that she owns the store once the deal’s sealed. Maybe I’ll take her away and surprise her.


I’ll just sign the paperwork and then take it from there. Anything else is sure to drive me insane today. It’s going to be a fucking tough day, but one that I’m willing to face and fight anyone who stands in my way.

Elia’s going to be over the moon when she finds out the truth. I’m doing this for her. She’ll be the happiest woman in Austin, and that means I’ll be the happiest man. I head into the shower thinking that this time it’ll be a battle worth participating in so the woman that I'm crazy about is happier than she's ever been in her life. As the water pours all over my body, I don’t even turn up the temperature, but keep it cool to keep me in the right frame of mind.

Prepared and focused on the mission today.

I come out and decide that I’m going to take out my gray suit. Elia says that she loves me in that suit, and I'm seeing her later on tonight. Elia's worked long and hard, but just not always in the right direction. I hope this helps her find it. I’m just laying the ground for her. She’ll have to roll with it, and if ever she gets stuck, I’ll be on board to give her a helping hand.

* * *

I take out the champagne. The one I planned to share with Elia when I told her about today. I wasn’t sure if it was happening today, so I didn’t ask to meet her in my office. Part of me doubted it, something I rarely do, but on this occasion, there were so many things that weren't in my favor. Every fucking deal is always a risk right down to the last minute, but the way that Will was digging dirt on Ryan and he kept disappearing, I didn't think he was going to show up today to sign on the dotted line.

“Jessica, we fucking did it!”

She nods. “You did it, and I didn’t think it was going to happen.”

I sigh, “He must have needed the money and decided that the only way out was to sell. Will said that Ryan didn't stay in his apartment last night.”


sp; She conquers, “Did you see the look on his face when you said that you were keeping it as a bookstore. He was laughing and mocking you until you put him in his place.”

I nod. "I'm going to take the store to new heights."

I leave out the detail about handing it over to Elia, someone with no experience of running her own business, as I give Jessica the glasses. I shake the bottle and get rid of all thoughts of that disgusting pig, Ryan, putting his hands anywhere near Elia ever again. He’s out of her life for good.

The champagne spills everywhere and I pour it into two glasses. We’re laughing so hard that we don’t hear the knock on the door or even her voice, and we're startled as Elia enters and says, “Is this a private party or can anyone join?”


Here I stand in the middle of Eric’s office, looking him straight in the eye now that Jessica is gone and I can have my way with Eric. That’s what I came here for and I tell myself not to be paranoid about whatever they were doing.

My heart is pounding a mile a minute; it’s now or never I tell myself. The sound of him calling my name brings me back from my thoughts.

“Elia,” he calls out to me as walks from behind his desk. Leaning against his desk, his dark suit takes center stage. The creases are perfectly lined up, and his dress shirt clings to his chiseled chest. Shaking my head, I remember why I’m here. I want him all to myself, that is the only focus right now.

I slowly saunter over to stand in front of Eric, seductively running my fingers down his neck and moving my mouth so close to his ear he can feel me breathing.

“Eric,” I whisper, “I have an absolutely naughty idea, can you guess what it is?" My fingers strum up and down his chest toward his slacks as I pull his earlobe into my mouth. With it in between my teeth, I ask, "Do you want to guess, Eric?" The sound of his gasp makes me know that I’m well on my way to completing my mission.

Pressing my body in my little black dress right up against his leg I tell him,

“I want you, right here right now, I want you to fuck me.” As the words free themselves from my lips, I hear the lust dripping from his groan. I take hold of the front of Eric’s slacks, making sure to grab his cock with it. Turning my back to him, I tug on his cock as I make him follow me over to his office door. Taking my place behind it, I release my hold on his cock. Eric is stunned, and he slowly turns to stare at me. I mouth to him to close and lock his door right now; it looks as if he’s in a trance as he takes hold of the door, pushes it shut, and turns the lock.

The sound of that lock clicking into place seems so loud in my ear, making my pussy wet too. Leaving my spot from behind the door, I slowly stalk toward him.

"You don't have any more patients today, and there aren't going to be any walk-ins?" I have to make sure because my plan doesn't work if someone barges in on this whole inappropriate business and takes it from sexy to a very unsexy caught. It is risky, but this is why I came to his office on a night he told me wouldn't be busy and after his normal clinic hours.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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