36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 351

I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her so tightly.

“Never! I consider you to be one of my best friends, Dana. It’ll take more than a little secret to change that.” Then I giggle, “Besides, I did the same so we’re even now.” When I first started dating Eric, I never told her about it. Now that everything’s out in the open, I feel a lot better.”

Dana finally releases me and moves to stand beside me, gesturing at the other guys.

“They all have something to say to you, by the way.”

Rebecca starts by saying, “Dana told us we were stressing you out. We didn’t mean anything bad by it, we just didn’t want to give the plan away.”

I frown and look at all of them. “Wait, how long has this been in the works?”

The rest of them just give me sheepish looks, so I turn my glare on Rebecca.

“The boss always planned to sell. He’d been desperate for weeks. He faked the numbers and everything, he was trying every dirty book in the trick. I knew about it, but never said anything to anyone. Sorry?” She’s waiting for a reaction from me, but as far as I’m concerned it’s all in the past.

“We knew there was going to be a party once it happened. The only difference now is the boss isn’t around, and you’re getting a promotion on top of everything.”

“How come I never knew?”

Another shrug. “Ryan let all of us know the day after he told us he was approached for the deal. I just assumed he told you.”

It was a lie. Like everything about Ryan. Besides, he’s gone, and I don’t care if he returns. I turn my focus on the guys in front of me.

“So… you guys don’t mind that I’m going to be your new boss?”

“Are you kidding? We all know you work the hardest of all of us here. You definitely deserve the position. Way more than Ryan ever did. So, why would we mind?” Rebecca says, and she turns to the girls, who swiftly agree with her.

“Anyway, Eric told us all about the new plans you’ve got in place, and we’re all excited about it. Ryan never did anything even when we gave him suggestions. They all sound really great.”

“We’d be honored to work with you,” Nancy, one of the part-time girl’s, says as she chews gum and looks at me. Wow, she hardly speaks so I’m touched that she feels that way about me.

Everyone starts talking, and I feel a little lost. They’re trying hard to talk over each other now. I can barely hear them. One person starts to speak, only for others to start talking, and then I wonder how long they’ve been there. Besides, it’s a bit early to be having a party. It’s only approaching lunch time and I’m a bit full after the heavy breakfast that I had, but Eric’s not here. It’s as if he’s disappeared and I want to say something to him, but he’s no where to be seen.

“We come bearing food,” Hannah, one of the part-timers, says as she comes through the doors. I know this is my chance to escape and as everyone cheers, I do just that. I sneak away while they get distracted by the food.

I move to Ryan’s old office, which is where I suspect Eric’s hiding. I slide my arm around his waist as I enter the door.

“Hey,” he says warmly.

“Hey back,” I murmur, leaning up to peck his cheek.

I lean over the plans that are spread open on Ryan’s old desk, biting my lip as I try to make sense of it all.

“I went with most of your ideas. The renovations will take some time, and the store will have to be closed, but it should be done in a few short weeks.”

“When will it start?”

“That depends on you guys. You’ll be getting time off, with pay, until it’s all done. The sooner the better.”

“I’ll be spending most of that free time with you, right?” I ask, looking up at him from under my lashes.

He grins down at me, wrapping an arm tight around me. “Of course. We can talk about all the other stuff that you had in mind. Fixing this place up is only the first step. We’ll need to market the place…”

“And you think my ideas are good enough?”

“More than that, your ideas are exactly what this place needs.”

I have the sudden urge to kiss him, and I don’t hold myself back, throwing my arms around his neck and dragging his lips down to mine.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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