36 Inches (Size Matters 3) - Page 356

“Let’s get this show on the road,” a coworker yells out, to excited shouts from the crowd.

As Eric and I step up to the ribbon, Rebecca hands me a pair of scissors after a short hug. I hold it for a few seconds, just for the suspense. I can hear the audience take a collective breath as I snip the ribbon, and they become a very excited crowd.

“This is amazing,” I tell Eric as we start to head inside and mingle with the crowd.

Jessica helped plan some of it, and it’s perfect. I can't stop smiling, especially as I look at both the customers and staff smiling and laughing. Others are moving with some books to the new area we closed off where people can relax at the comfy sit-down area.

“This place looks really good, but I want to tell Jessica. I just can’t find her.”

Eric shakes his head. “She’s probably checking on something. She’s a perfectionist. You’ll see her eventually!”

I still can't believe that so many different classes of people are here tonight and just to see the opening of the store. It’s so damn impressive.

His arm tightens around my waist. “I have another surprise for you.”

My eyebrows jump up. “We’re not done with those?”

“I’m hoping you’ll let me off the hook for this one.”

Then he goes down on one knee, and I feel like I can't breathe. The room quietens down pretty quickly, and I know the focus is on us.

“Elia,” he starts, and I’m hanging on his every word. “We haven’t known each other very long, I’ll be the first to admit. But… in the three months I’ve known you, I’ve felt so much more than I ever have with anyone else, and I know you’re the one for me.”

A smile is playing on his lips, he knows how cheesy his lines are. They still bring tears to my eyes.

“Elia, will you marry me?”

That’s when I see my parents in a corner. They told me they couldn’t make it. And by their side is Jessica. That’s where she went to make sure that my parents were okay. Damn! I was really wrong about her.

I suck in a shaky breath, blinking my eyes free of tears so I can see his eyes as a trembling smile spreads on my face.

“Yes! I’ll marry you, Eric.”

He surges up, and I squeal before laughing as he lifts me up in a spin, clapping and congratulating shouts surrounding us. I can’t believe that in the span of three months, not only am I a manager, but I’m getting married, too.

Life couldn’t be better and every single time that I think it can’t happen, Eric makes it happen. I love him, and I know that we’re going to be happy together. I just love him too much for us not to be anything but happy.

Just then, Virginia shows up!

Yes, there’s more. Like this happy ending seems to have a bonus round. When I see Rose, I know. I know right away what’s coming next. I know this is the secret that Eric had her keeping. I can’t hold back the tears welling up in my eyes. She’s holding a manila folder and walking towards me with a bit smile on her face.

“Lee-ya!” She calls out and wraps her arms around me. “Will you be my mommy?”

Through my sobs, I manage my answer. “Yes, baby girl, I would love to be your mommy.” I pick her up in my arms, and Eric holds us both tight. He kisses us both and I’m crying so much that I can’t even see. I have never been so happy in my life.

And yeah I should have known better when Eric told me earlier that Virginia was taking Rose to a movie.

I can’t believe how perfect my life is. I’ve read a lot of books, but for me nothing will ever compare to my own story.

Tags: Alexis Angel Size Matters Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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