Takedown - Page 7

I want to do something extra special for ya.

Below is a sexy sample of our latest book Cunning Linguist by Alexis Angel.



Alexis Angel

Cunning Linguist

A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

By Alexis Angel

Copyright 2017 by Naughty Angel Publishing

All rights reserved

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.

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“So, Mia,” I say, flashing my famous panty-melting grin that I know gets all of the girls wet, “tell me a little more about your orgasms.”

“Jake!” Mia gasps as if my question shocks her, biting her lower lip as her cheeks redden.

That’s how a lot of women respond when they first come on my show. But by the end of the segment, I guarantee Mia’s cheeks won’t be red from embarrassment anymore. They’ll be flushed bright pink with straight up ecstasy as she comes—really fucking hard—screaming my name the entire time.

Whoa, wait, you say? What kind of show is this, you ask? Let me tell you. But I can’t promise I won’t make you a wet, horny mess by the time I’m finished, and you’ll be thanking me for it.

So, yeah, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Jake Kent, host of the hit late-night talk show A Cunning Linguist. It’s the most watched cable show in the history of late-night television. With a name like A Cunning Linguist, you can only imagine why.

But just in case your imagination fails you, allow me to enlighten you. Let’s go back a couple years. Back to when I wrote a book by the same name. My book about expert sex techniques and pleasing women in bed was an international bestseller. Insanely successful. I’m talking Fifty Shades levels of flying off the shelves, virtual and print. Because every fucking woman in the entire world wanted to give her man the ultimate guidebook for going down on her.

Yeah, what can I say? I’m a fucking genius. What woman wouldn’t want a book about a good pussy licking? I bet just reading those words are making you wet right now. Am I right?


So anyway, after this book broke all the records, the obvious next step was a talk show. But this isn’t just any talk show. Not even close.

Because I’ve taken my desire to help people have satisfying sex to the next level. Instead of telling them how to do it, I show them. Yep. You read that right. Every single night, my show is filmed and broadcast live. And every single night I go down on the featured guest and give her the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life.

I’ve made my fortune as the Cunning Linguist. I can have any woman I want. And I do. On the regular. I’ve heard there are some billionaires out there who might not like so many women throwing themselves at them because of their financial status. Me? I couldn’t fucking care less. You know why? Because I know why the women are really after me. They want my magic tongue. And I’m more than happy to give it to them.

The world fucking needs more orgasms. And not just any old orgasm. Not the kind that barely makes your pussy clench, the kind that only has a hint of a tingle behind it.

Fuck no.

What this world needs is the eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head, brain-short-circuiting, make-you-cum-until-you-can’t-fucking-breathe kind of orgasms. And I’m happy to be of service.

Every woman deserves that. So that’s why I’m here right now with Mia, her blush just starting to fade as I stare earnestly into her eyes.

“It’s okay, Mia,” I assure her. “That’s why you’re here. You’re not alone. Isn’t that right ladies?”

I turn my megawatt grin on the audience full of women, hitting them with the full force of my raw sex appeal. I can practically smell the pheromones as their panties get even wetter than I know they already are.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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