Takedown - Page 13

Layla nods curtly. “That’s correct.”

I glance over my shoulder at Toby, who’s giving me an exasperated look. “I tried to tell you, man, but you were…”

Yeah, I was. I am. Totally and completely captivated by this woman. She’s fucking gorgeous. Long, silky golden waves that I can just imagine falling around her like a curtain as she sits on my face. Tits full and round as they bounce against my hands.

Fuck. Now I’m hard as fucking steel, and I’m pretty sure this suit isn’t doing a damn thing to hide it.

“Layla,” I say, my voice smooth despite the fact that my mind is full of filthy thoughts, “why don’t you step into my office and we can discuss this.”

She arches a brow, her dark eyes glittering in amusement. “Seriously, Jacob? ‘Step into my office?’ Let me guess. You want to play doctor?” She turns and heads toward the hallway leading away from the backstage area.

Well, well. I hurry to catch up to her and place my palm on her lower back to guide her toward my office. “If that’s what you like, who am I to argue? Everyone has their kinks. Or at least they should.”

“Some more obvious than others.” She tosses the barb at me like a pro.

I chuckle. I fucking love that sass.

“Is that so?” I lean closer as we make our way down the hall, lowering my voice to a gravelly whisper. “And what would mine be since you seem to know me so well already?”

She laughs and shoots me a disbelieving smirk. “You’re kidding, right?”

I shake my head, totally intrigued by this woman.

“Voyeurism. Obviously.”

Huh. I cock my head and think about it. It’s not something I’ve ever thought much about before, but I guess she’s right. I mean, my expertise is in getting inside women’s heads, figuring out the things they want to hear to get so horny they can’t help but come once I get going. I don’t exactly psychoanalyze my own motives.

I like pussy. Motivation enough, am I right?

When we get to the door of my of

fice, I push it open and watch as she takes it in.

Standing in the middle, Layla spins in a slow circle, finally stopping when her eyes land on me. “What, no bed?” she deadpans.

“Are you disappointed?” I step toward her, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

She laughs, but then she shakes the papers in her hand. “FCC fine. Remember?”

“I was hoping you’d forget.”

“Looks like the depth of your ego matches the skill of your tongue. You thought I’d forget why I’m here the minute you got me alone?”

Her voice is teasing, but she’s still all business. It’s an intriguing combination. Suddenly I’m desperate to know what Layla’s sex life is like. She’s not lacking for confidence. That usually makes for a woman who’s up for anything. I’d love to see her drop the professional tone and let me see what she’s really like underneath that prim exterior. I’d bet my last dollar she’s a fucking freak in the bedroom.

My cock twitches, and I sigh in frustration. I want to get this shit over with and see if Layla’s up for some fun once she’s out of work mode.

I rub my hands together. “Okay, let’s do this. Why am I being fined?”

“Obscenity, Jacob.”

“Jake,” I tell her again. “And since when is helping people obscene?”

“Helping people? Is that what you call it? Because all I see is you helping yourself to an all you can eat buffet night after night.” Layla gives me a fake smile. “But don’t worry, Jacob dear, I’m sure you’ll still get plenty of dates once your show is canceled. You do have a reputation. It will get you somewhere with the ladies.”

I laugh incredulously. She’s serious. She actually thinks ACL is obscene? Maybe a little unconventional, but not obscene.

“Look,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest and standing up straighter, “my show helps people. I fucking help people. Hell, it might even save marriages. It wouldn’t surprise me. Maybe a couple tunes in one night and their sex life is changed forever. Maybe they were on the brink of divorce until I inspired them to greater things. If people don’t like the show, they can change the fucking channel.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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